Nice attempt to obfuscate with wording.
"Someone who's transgender isn't pretending to be a different gender. It's who they are."
Okay, but what about someone who's pretending to be transgender?
Your problem is you accept everyone's word at face value when they claim to be transgender, which is the exact same problem of those on the right who deny transgenderism exists at all.
Of course it exists, it's a birth defect like any other, one where the "wiring" gets crossed in the development stages.
There are far more transgender people now than ever, thanks to exploding world population and chemical pollutants affecting our chromosomal development, but there aren't nearly as many true transgenders as there are people who *claim* to be transgender.
And that's not even counting the "non binary" "pronouns" crowd, which is complete bullshit and has nothing to do with transgenderism. That's just people deliberately confusing gender with personality, a result of the "everyone is special" snowflake mentality making them want to feel unique. Them claiming to be transgender is actually *harmful* to the true trans community, in large part due to the negative public perception they've earned, which they infect the trans community with by claiming association.
Those who pretend to be transgender are likewise harmful to the true trans community.