The company I work for now is non-union. We all work under the same, single contract- again, there is NO management discretion as to who gets a raise. When you have put in your time, you get your scheduled raises PERIOD. This is the pay structure utilized by just about EVERY non-union company in my field. We also, thanks to our elected Values committee who have input every time our SINGLE contract is re-negotiated, have equivalent benefits to any union shop without the ridiculous union fees. The unions that exist for my field are major national unions that "represent" workers from many companies. If you believe one shop getting "some worker solidarity" and electing the right union reps. from their ranks will have any effect on a national union that is essentially it's own company that primarily exists to continue it's own existence (i.e: getting more dues paying members to support the CEO level salaries of the union execs) then you are being naive at best. And frankly, your continued efforts tell to tell a person with 30+ years of real world experience in a highly skilled, and federally regulated blue collar job wrong and incorrect because your leftist, probably tenured, and probably Marxist 'Economics" professor says so is offensive, at best.