Apologies for my slow reply. I was banned for a few days after posting my reply to the meme (these bans are getting longer and longer...) and was on vacation right after that, so I'm just now getting caught up on imgflip. And I do not look at imgflip when I'm on vacation!
Regarding your question, I don't know that it's a construct, unless one were to believe that the right/fox news has some ability to actually control how people think. I don't think they can. Just a quick side note about fox, I think they are better at delineating news vs. opinion, than an outfit like msnbc or cnn (tho I haven't watched cnn since some of their recent firings... errr, personnel upgrades, aka additions by subtraction)
I really wasn't trying to make too strong of a point with my post, other than a recent Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll (which I think both sides might agree is an objective poll... maybe?) seemed to support what the meme was saying. I have nothing other than a gut reaction telling me that I would tend to agree.
Do you really believe the Inflation Reduction act is not the Inflation Production act? Please do a deeper dive on the impact it's having on scrips. People are losing their options when it comes to potential life saving meds because of it. Regarding CHIPS, I don't have any real issues with it, tho I haven't looked at it too deeply. In general I'm against govt involvement in anything (they usually fcuk it up) but there are some things that govt is in a unique position to promote via tax breaks, etc., and that may be the case with CHIPS. The infrastructure bill was a joke. It was/is nothing more than a giveaway. If they would have called it what it really was, I'd have less of a problem with it, but the left's predilection for re-defining words to fit their political situation is most annoying, imo. Re abortion, I won't get into that (much) on imgflip. It's the most complex issue the country faces, and nothing will be solved by discussing it in a forum like this. Neither side seems willing to compromise, which I get. I would ask catholic dems how they can honestly square their position on that with their faith. Typical of politicians, they're hypocrites on that issue. Regarding the youth vote, good luck with that. Not typically a major factor, but it could happen (today is election day, so we'll find out soon.) My personal $0.02 is that I'd like to see greater turnout of that demo. It's only right, if they truly care about issues they claim to care about.