Democrat went from individuals owning slaves, to the government owning slaves. The latter slaves are all of us. This is not some future event, we are taxed and taxed and then taxed again. Then we are taxed on things that we have already been taxed on. There are taxes for things that happened over a century ago. When you retire they tax your social security. And after all of the income and other taxes and fees then what you have left is taxed at the store.
If slavery is not being able to take ownership of 100% of the value you produced then at what percentage is that no longer slavery. Is it 75%, 50%, 35% or 5%? At what point are you no longer a slave? Democrats think you are not a slave if you get to keep at least 1% of your labor. Sane people think you are not a slave if you keep 100% of what you earned. Governments do not earn anything because they produce nothing. They provide little value in their services, they are a parasite. Infrastructure can be better handled at much less cost by the private sector.
Republicans have had the chance since 1921 to throw Woodrow Wilson's obscene power and control scam out completely but they haven't even tried. Not even the exceptionally great Republicans like Harding, Coolidge and Reagan attempted to eliminate the IRS.