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671 views 47 upvotes Made by anonymous 3 years ago in politics
10 ups, 3y
made w/ Imgflip meme maker
9 ups, 3y,
1 reply
The truth!! Democrats are the RACISTS!!! There needs to be a plan to ban all public inner-city schools in the next few years. I was a victim of them!! FORTUNATELY, my dad moved!! Reality of failed schools. Any sane teacher does not to work for crumbs to abuse children in a democrat failed school!! A complete over haul to include the best you can to let all children learn at their own pace. That is what got me from LABELED SPECIAL NEEDS to a Nuclear Army Officer who was number 1 in his class!! I cannot believe any sane person would allow this failure to continue for our most vulnerable children and disproportionately affects minorities, sad!! The racists are the mainstream media, Democrats, Teacher Unions, and the people who abuse minorities in this horrible way. Never vote Democrat! If you do seek help as a teacher if you vote democrat! I mean it! You are the worst victim of all as a teacher a self unaware racist who abuses minorities!
9 ups, 3y
If something doesn't work the way it's supposed to, it should be replaced asap, not kept in place for decades or centuries.
5 ups, 3y,
1 reply
If you keep any group in a cycle of poverty and no hope then it is RACIST!! Replace with school choice, gear school to the child, learn at their own pace. Believe I was and am ADHD. My math teacher basically gave me lessons to do. I kept doing them and was not bored. Think fire half the teachers and any teacher who is a democrat. They were not self aware and abused poor minorities and kept them in a cycle of failure. School choice geared to the child. Think this way probably could fire half the teachers. Give realistic goals to children and give cash awards geared to the child. Get parents involved in this too. A down syndrome child will obviously not be able to do certain things. However the teacher and parent can work together to seek realistic goals. I know ANY sane person would not allow the child abuse that is occurring now!
5 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Firing a Democrat teacher is far more preferable that to allow a person who is not self aware to hurt a child like I was and keep hurting other children in the inner city and keep the insanity of keep doing the same thing over and over again!! I have a friend who despises demcrats more than I do and was exactly in the same situation I was in. He just happens to be black, He was an All American wrestler, his dad told him to ask the coach why he did not get all the awards or he would. My friend said he asked coach why, and he said he had to encourage others, That was satisfactory to his dad. You need dads like this, not teachers who are not self aware and are the real racist and are too ignorant to know that. Therefore they should be banned from teaching forever and if they ever voted democrat because clearly they are racist child abusers.
1 up, 3y,
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2 ups, 3y,
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It is logical, They are self-unaware of their actions which makes them even more dangerous, they are racist child abusers but think they are not. Truly on so much brainwashing and koolaid, so sad and pathetic. When they are banned and ever teach they should go into solitary for life. That is most preferable to self-unaware child abuser. I know i was one of those children.
1 up, 3y,
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Haven't you stated on multiple occasions that you were non-minority 'White'?
2 ups, 3y,
2 replies
I went to a minority school with almost all minority teachers and minority students. yes I am white but I saw with my own eyes that all of us were democrat scum to be used to make this great country turn into a shit hole country. Just pawns of racist democrats who are so pathetically self unaware OR were so blinded that we are needed to be equally worhtless . Fortunately i left, A friend who was all American left from another school. We all learned from these schools who the real enemy is. Stand by I have been MEME inspired!!! Thanks for playing!
1 up, 3y

They are generational scum that are taught by generational democrat teachers who are pathetically self unaware and the scores keep dropping so they are more dependent on self unaware racists who peddle soft bigotry and are the true child abusers and racists. Sad pathetic fact. I actually feel sorry for the libera commenters here, who probably never seen a sorry school like I have in the inner city or seen the glee in An Egyptian colonels smile talkng about dead jews and Nazis, Just unicorns, leprechaun bs brainwashing to be so pathetically self unaware. so sad it is funnny, LOL."

I have no idea what this rant is supposed to be about, particularly this curious tangle of a tangent:

"or seen the glee in An Egyptian colonels smile talkng about dead jews and Nazis, Just unicorns, leprechaun bs brainwashing to be so pathetically self unaware. so sad it is funnny, LOL."

Plus this,

"who probably never seen a sorry school like I have in the inner city"

Didn't you say last year you were poor 'White' from a rural area? Now you're pulling the minority race card and saying you're from "the inner city" as well?

So, um, these teachers and elementary school students were registered Democrats? Did they have to show their voter ID upon entering the premises?
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
What partisan clap trap is that?
Who were the Democrats now, the students now? Really?
2 ups, 3y
They are generational scum that are taught by generational democrat teachers who are pathetically self unaware and the scores keep dropping so they are more dependent on self unaware racists who peddle soft bigotry and are the true child abusers and racists. Sad pathetic fact. I actually feel sorry for the libera commenters here, who probably never seen a sorry school like I have in the inner city or seen the glee in An Egyptian colonels smile talkng about dead jews and Nazis, Just unicorns, leprechaun bs brainwashing to be so pathetically self unaware. so sad it is funnny, LOL.
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
Why indulge this fanfictioning? Have you ever encountered a "Democrat teacher"? What does that even mean?

👩‍🏫 "Yes, mom, Mrs Kennsington is a registered Republican"

🧑 "Ok, you won't have to be homeschooled. This year."

Said no one ever.
1 up, 3y,
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But you can fire teachers just because they're white.
8 ups, 3y
Democrats don't hate black people as long as they can step and fetch. It's only when they get uppidy.
6 ups, 3y,
1 reply
They never did and never will, even this push for "equality" is a push for slavery, just everyone is a slave instead of just one race. Because in a Marxist-run society, no one is free. Being a slave might actually be better, and that's saying a lot because slavery wasn't okay. For blacks this is an "out-of-the-frying-pan-into-the-fire" situation
What would be better is to push for a world of equality that doesn't come at the expense of the people.
5 ups, 3y,
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5 ups, 3y
octavia often takes religious beliefs and tries to challenge them in places where religion isn’t being mentioned, simply because someone is religious.
3 ups, 3y
i answered this on another image:
5 ups, 3y
This meme inspired this meme! Some of the truly sickest people I believe are teachers who are so totally self-unaware they do not realize they racist child abusers teaching in the inner cities. I know I was one of those children!!! I saw mostly minorities have no choice but to stay in a cycle of poverty by brainwashed union controlled liberal democrat self-unaware POS teachers. If I had my choice, I would fire them all. They are fit to teach anybody!!
4 ups, 3y
0 ups, 3y
2 ups, 3y
What makes you say this? Where's the proof? The evidence? You're saying Trump is a Democrat?

I pity you guys.
2 ups, 3y
What makes you say this? Where's the proof? The evidence? You're saying Trump is a Democrat?

I pity you guys.
10 ups, 3y,
3 replies
Intentional ignorance.

9 ups, 3y,
1 reply
I really don't see how he ever gets a single upvote
1 up, 3y
From alts
7 ups, 3y
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Fighting to keep slavery. Jim-Crow. The KKK. Opposing civil rights. Welfare recipients not allowed to have a husband.

Don't be obtuse.
10 ups, 3y
9 ups, 3y,
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8 ups, 3y
But it is fully endorsed and supported by the Democrat party, due to its foundation in white supremacy and eugenics.
11 ups, 3y,
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10 ups, 3y
Wow. You aren't even trying anymore. It's no fun.
9 ups, 3y,
2 replies
they were literally founded by Democrats who hated Republicans and blacks were all Republicans at the time.
9 ups, 3y
The 1st 25 or so blacks elected to Congress were all republicans.
7 ups, 3y,
1 reply
What bs that is. Christians of the time were abolishenests. .

The tenets of the KKK are antithetical to Christianity.
6 ups, 3y
"I hate harmful ideologies" lies, you are pro abortion and pro homosexuality that are VERY harmful to many families, specially black families.

6 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Bible does not talk about KKK. Those people are not Christians. Jesus does saves and teaches to love your neighbor. That picture is out of context. Just shows also your hate against Christianity that you just wont let go. Here is a black family that Chritianity helped
1 up, 3y
The Bible is story after story about killing peoples, justified by they being the enemy, even when the Judeans were invading their territory.

The making of Christianity the state religion of Rome was as a symbol of war, and i has been a galvanizing tool for everything from back then to the Crusades to Charlamagne against the invading Muslims to the halting of the Mongols... even none other Stalin used the Russian Orthodox Church to rally support for the war against Germany.

Only Protestants of British & Teutonic backgrounds are allowed to join the KKK.
5 ups, 3y
Lets end this argument because now you are trying to circle around and wasting my time. Answer me this. What would happen to the human species if 100% of them turned to a homosexual lifestyle? Pls pls s answer me that.
4 ups, 3y
how many times do i have to explain this, but the Bible’s definition of slavery has nothing to do with American slavery. Slaves were paid in the Bible and were treated like people are treated in the work force. They always had a time period they would be a slave for, and nobody was human property. Slavery was often a repay of debt in the Bible. People just born owned by someone was not done by anyone righteous in the Bible. Abraham and Isaac all had slaves who lived comfortably and they were extremely wealthy themselves. Abraham and Isaac had slaves that would negotiate with kings.
People in the 1800s used the word “slavery” but they had nothing to do with this definition. And these are people who didn’t give a bloody rip about the Bible no matter what they claimed. They just tried to use it to justify slavery. I can’t count the amount of slave masters who ignored everything the Bible said except “Children obey your parents” and “slaves obey your masters” (and knowing their characteristics, “children obey your parents” was probably an acquired taste coming with age). They ignored the instructions for slave masters (such as “give up threatening”, which happens to be ONE verse removed from “slaves obey your masters”). They also ignored the rule to tell others about God because they hindered slaves from reading and only told them that God wanted them to obey the masters. Their interest in the Bible only came when misinterpreting it benefitted them. Were there exceptions? Sure. But some of the most mature slave owners actually treated their slaves in a similar manner to Jewish slavery. They were rare as heck, but some existed.

So when slave owners and KKK members try to use the Bible to defend their stances, they’re BSing. And another thing; the Bible says nothing about race so whenever someone suggests the Bible says anything to specifically bring down black people, that just proves they don’t read it much and listen to what habitual liars said (or they just want to justify enslaving people). Because the Bible we know today was finalized in the fourth to fifth centuries. Slavery based entirely on race wasn’t a thing then, and even if it was, it wasn’t done in Rome at that very time. The closest thing then that you could compare to “slavery based on identity” was the plebeian class, and 1) that was a wealth divide and wasn’t slavery, and 2) it had nothing to do with race.
5 ups, 3y
Okay. Now you are just making excuses to fit your agenda.
5 ups, 3y
"Abortion is voluntary, and being gay isn't harmful to families" lies and excuses.

You can ask the black guy on this video how harmful homosexuality is, he will tell you.

Too afraid to watch it?
3 ups, 3y
(replying to your other comment) just because something is voluntary doesn’t make it unharmful. Killing other adults is also voluntary.

And being gay means you can’t have kids, which means you have to adopt. And once you adopt, whatever gender the parents are, the kids are missing the other figure in their life. Father figures are a very fundamental part of human growth, (a major contributor to why blacks are often at a disadvantage). Mother figures are also vital to growth but in another way, they’re there to nurture and support and love in a way that most often fathers will not be able to portray the exact same (though I can’t say I’m too familiar with that one because my mother was not very mother-like when I was a child). And that doesn’t even come with the hardships of raising adopted kids, them feeling unwanted by whoever birthed them (which they don’t always know the full story, but still). And abortion is by no means the solution to that. All abortion does is confirm to living children that many parents would want nothing to do with them and would harm them for the sake of “convenience”. And, lastly, many abortions aren’t voluntary. Some are done out of fear, and some are done by dads forcing daughters to get one so they don’t have to deal with any children (ngl i know men in my own family that would probably do this) and boyfriends forcing girlfriends to get them so that the boyfriend doesn’t get in trouble with any parents for sleeping around. So much for woman empowerment. And some, like Judy Garland’s, for example, are forced by companies who want to use a woman for financial gain, and a baby will get in the way.
2 ups, 3y
Again my question was "What would happen to the human species if 100% of them turned to a homosexual lifestyle?" Why can't you provide me a concrete answer? Is it because it is harmful you the human race OM? A world with 100% true Christians will prosper, a world who turn to 100% homosexual stile of living will perish and fade away. That aswer you know because you are not stupid, you jusy wont admit it. Yes will never happen because of Chirstians converting homosexuals away for that seatructive "style of living". You are welcome. Let me remind you "Thats never going to happen" was an answer I heard from you before when we were arguing that they were going to legalize pedophelia after legalizing gay marriages, and here we are, witnessing as how pedophelia is evolving in America. Yet you guys, LGBTQ, surely are working hard of converting people to the "style of living", including children!
2 ups, 3y,
1 reply
"Being molested doesn't turn someone gay."

First I heard that one.
From imprinting (same sex) to aversion (so traumatized by abuse from the other gender that as adults they end up seeking homosexual relationships instead), it can very much have such an effect.

Now you might argue causality hasn't been established, that perhaps victims were targeted by some because of what seemed to be the victim's (emerging, latent) orientation, that would be stretching it, and difficult to prove. Might be the case with some, but not all.

I've personally known people so affected by such rape when they were young, so you cannot convince me otherwise. In fact, given the higher rate of abuse people of same sex orientation endure, I'd be surprised if that wasn't a major contributing factor in many, if not most. Again, this would include both imprinting or aversion.

Getting sexually molestated as children is also the chief cause of acting out sexually in many ways, including promiscuity, various kinks, self-destructive behavior in relationships, and involvement in the sex industry, from prostitution to films. That something so traumatic can deeply affect people in ways like nothing else except for orientation makes no sense.
2 ups, 3y
Dude, I know that you and I give each other shit on a regular basis, but I'm giving you props for that comment.

"Acting out sexually" - check, that happened to a friend's wife to the point that she was a "sex addict" as an adult and my friend couldn't handle the adultery in the marriage. Poof, marriage destroyed.

Another aspect not discussed is substance abuse. I had another fiend that became a high functioning alcoholic before graduating high school from being associated with a serial abuser.
1 up, 3y
"I can't prove there's no connection, but I doubt it's as big a factor as some people say (if in fact it's a factor at all)"

That's hardly a rebuttal, but your appeal to ignorance can't convince me of what people have personally told me about their own direct experiences and how it affected them.
Granted, anecdotal and a limited sample, but it's a lot more than doubt as far as they were concerned.
4 ups, 3y,
1 reply
No, and you just suggested that it being founded by Democrats doesn’t make it a Democrat organization, so just because someone thought they could twist Christianity into supporting the KKK doesn’t make the KKK a Christian organization.
2 ups, 3y,
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1 up, 3y,
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Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, etc, are not allowed to join. In fact, it wasn't just Birth of Nation that rebirthed the KKK, but reaction against a huge influx of Catholic immigrants from two countries are the time, Ireland and Italy.
2 ups, 3y
Birth of a nation the 1st Oscar for best picture.
9 ups, 3y
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7 ups, 3y
That shows just how ignorant you really are.
8 ups, 3y,
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Here is your kryptonite a black woman that can speak for herself.
1 up, 3y,
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3 ups, 3y
That is your opinion of her and you are entitled of it, but I think it runs deeper than that, and you know you hate her but you do not want to publicly admit it. I understand. I admire her, I yet to find a stupid thing she said, but if you want to compare apples to apples, then provide me a list of stupid things she said and I will counter it with a x3 longer list of stupid things your goddess Kanala Harris has said. Up to the challenge?
9 ups, 3y,
1 reply
The Union consisted of Republicans, the Confederacy consisted of Democrats. Proof:
8 ups, 3y
Also, what is this?
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Surgeons wear masks so they don't get spit in open wounds during surgery.
7 ups, 3y
they are pieces of paper designed to control a herd of sheeple, they have little to no value in controlling a virus.
4 ups, 3y
There are no covid masks, only level 5 biohazard suits.
6 ups, 3y
Do surgeons push masks as the meme says? No, they wear one for work, work on that reading comprehension Octavia.
9 ups, 3y
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9 ups, 3y,
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the demoKKKrats were the slavers of yesterday and today
7 ups, 3y
5 ups, 3y
We were still in Scotland.

I oppose racism, slavery and Democrats on principle.
5 ups, 3y
Democrats are about keeping black man separated from wife, family separation. Keeping black people government dependant. A new form of slavery, but still slavery.
6 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Try Again. You sound like siri
8 ups, 3y
Wow, no factual refutation. You must be correct.
5 ups, 3y
Country was most divided and segregated under Obama and here it is again under Biden. Nice try.
8 ups, 3y,
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8 ups, 3y,
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No facts? Are you a bot?
5 ups, 3y,
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I think Octavia is having a hard time here flagging so many people schooling him ROFL. Either can't flag fast enough or moders got tired of deleting and banning posts he flags.
2 ups, 3y
Reminds me of a joke. A man took his wife to a strip club. She asked him to pass her a drink. He said "I only have two hands and I have my drink in one of them."
8 ups, 3y,
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You're right, they never did stop trying to enslave her people.
4 ups, 3y
But that's like me saying "the police force never killed anyone".
6 ups, 3y,
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They actually did. I don’t really care about politics anymore, but I do know that historically, it was the democrats who would do all of those shitty things. It was the republicans like Abraham Lincoln who took actions to stop it. Modern day politics are a different story.
5 ups, 3y,
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6 ups, 3y
Go ahead and report it, thought you might find it humorous
5 ups, 3y
I’m about tired of this guy
7 ups, 3y
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