What we're seeing now, TC, with the attempts by the leftard media and demotard politicians to censor free speech is exactly what happens when any form of speech censorship is considered acceptable.
One thing dipwads on the left aren't smart enough to realize is that the political winds shift directions, and all their own hate speech they blather on about towards people on any side of the political spectrum other than their own, can just as easily be turned banned in the future when those winds shift.
Tolerating hate speech or any other kind of speech that we find disgusting is the price we pay for having freedom of speech, which is essential to our society and culture. What those like you, who apparently believe it's okay to censor don't realize, is that when you publicize sick people like that, all you do is give them credibility with the very tiny percentage of the population who might agree with them, but possibly would never have even heard of them if you didn't give them the free publicity.
So tolerate the speech you hate, and people who find it reprehensible and ignore it, will in the long run cause it to die out due to lack of interest. Since there's no such thing as bad publicity, all you do when you try to ban it, is make it seem more appealing. You simply cannot legislate any type of morality, nor ban what you consider immoral or unacceptable. When has it ever worked?