How do you think restaurants that stay open 24/7 stay open 24/7? Don't people take shifts? Graveyard and day shifts? Why can't they do that? That would be illegal for them to stay up all day long, so take shifts. I'm sure there's plenty of people who can count votes, and so they do shifts. However, I don't know if they stay the whole time or how that works, so I'll have to look that up.
Cause when the mail-in ballots came in, there was literally almost none for Trump. There was something like 3 million for Biden alone and like I said before, and I'm pretty sure there were still people who voted for Trump via mail-in.
I would've thought of it as a last ditch attempt as well if I didn't see it play out myself... I saw the whole thing. And when they opened up again the next morning, I was watching it like crazy then. That's when all of a sudden, there were millions of Biden votes and none for Trump? That's when things went downhill and the legitimacy of the election was slipping away. Honestly, Trump is not the greatest president who ever lived. He's far from it. However, he's stopped North Korea from bombing us and kept Putin out of reach from us. He made sure the terrorists groups would pay for killing our men. He's a business man. If Hillary was president, we would've ceased to exist as a nation.
Ok, I haven't heard of this before cause I didn't know Trump existed (other than being a celebrity and TV show host) until 2016. I would have to look into this myself.
Once again, I'm gonna look into this stuff. I thought Democrats were the ones who pushed the mail-in ballots though because of COVID? If it was Republican installed, why are Democrats insisting it more than Republicans?
You support him because he's a great and intelligent leader that would make this country better than Trump did, or because he's not Trump and you can't stand him? I mean, so far Brandon has done nothing but cause inflation, still hasn't done anything for COVID, raised gas prices, killed our own allies by abandoning them to the Taliban, and poop his pants. He has to read off of a cue card and teleprompter which he can't even do that and avoids questions. On top of that he has dementia.