"How is that not insulting?"
Because it's true. It is not my fault that you let yourself get triggered by the truth.
What you could do instead, is do some serious self reflection, and get over yourself and your sinful pride, and seek God out.
I could take your comments about how men invented God, and the ignorant way in which you portray this, but I am beyond your insults, because I am secure in the knowledge of the truth.
And I will admit that this is an issue when I joust with you imgflip liberals.
If what you say about me is true, it does not matter to me that you may have said it intending to insult me, or that you are being petty. No, what matters to me is whether or not it is true. I freely admit I am far from perfect, and that I will never achieve this, but that does not mean I do not strive to do better. The real issue with what I say to you all, is that the message, by definition, is offensive to us, given that it is telling us that we are reprobate sinners, and can do nothing on our own to change this. This steps on our pride, but it gets even worse than this, for it goes on to tell us that we do not get to decide what is right and wrong, and that we can do whatever we want devoid of consequence and future punishment.
As the apostle Paul basically said, if I wanted to have an easy life and get along with everyone, I would not preach Christ.