All i see is you and everyone like without a single valid talking point. Prove me wrong
expose how the following statement is NOT 100 % factual and that I am lying about it
Part #1 The 2nd Amednemnt clearly states the following.
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, The RIGHT of the people to KEEP and BEAR arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!
Did you read that??
Part #2 Q: Where in the very same document does it proclaim, declare, announce, suggest or even beat around the bush that The American Government has full, partial, or a bare mininum of authority to overide the text of the constitution and create ANY gun laws at all.
I sure would love to know because until someone can show me. I will stay stead fast in my beliefs that are based in FACTS
The US Government violates the constitution everytime they create ANY gun laws past, present or future.
SCOTUS violates the constitution everytime they uphold blatatenly illegal "laws"
And cops will ALWAYS be the biggest threat to the actual freedoms the Constitution was supposed to represent. They are criminals sanctioned by the very government YOU and all right wingers claim is corrupt.
So can you prove those statements factually wrong and incorrect?
your opions are feelings are not FACTS. Give me facts that follow the text of the constitution.Not bs made rationalizations