"I do, but I'm also just trying to demonstrate a point."
Do you realize how annoying it is to repeat someone's words back to them? You don't do it in real life conversations, please don't do it with me. I'm smart enough to realize which statement you're referring to.
For some people, it might FEEL like that is what is happening, but it is not. In reality it's all in their head.
The less than 1% of the population that have genetic abnormalities, like the ones you mentioned, are just that, physical abnormalities. They are the minute exception to the norm. I would imagine they will still be stronger to one side or the other. What's going on inside their brain is a whole other matter.
Gender has only recently been redefined as such. Yet a quick Google search of the definition reveals that there are still only two genders, regardless of "a range of identities that do not correspond to the established ideas of male and female".