"Credeur05 2 ups, 2m, 1 reply
No it’s definitely murder"
"Octavia_Melody 2 ups, 2m, 1 reply
No it's not, otherwise abortion would be illegal"
No, the reverse.
If abortion was illegal, then it would then be called murder,
Since abortion IS legal, then it couldn't be defined as "murder,' which is a legal term and a cool use of sneaky semantics for circuitous arguments,
AKA ye olde,
"Abortion is not murder because it's legal,
and thus therefore abortion is legal because it's not murder.
And that shell game has the added benefit of pretending it can sidestep the basic fact that abortion kills a life (as intended), which, if it wasn't that, people receiving them should sue their abortionist for malpractice and find one more skilled in killing unborn babies in order to succeed in doing the job correctly.
........... aaaaaaaaand I just realized this discussion was originally from 2 months ago...