Okay, let's see. Late january, the alternative media sources I was watching and listening to mentioned this pandemic in China after/during their lunar new year. People were being interviewed over there, there were lockdowns, vehicles going through the streets spraying some chemical, people being welded into their homes.. media coverage in the US? Nothing.
Then (I happened to be working at a Home Depot at the time) Chinese people were coming into my store and buying up every mask in the paint section. Every. Single. One. They had carts and carts full of them, totaling well over $500. The lamestream media? Nothing.
I called up my grandfather before the superbowl telling him about what was going on. He wasn't really worried. Of course not, because Fox News and MSNBC didn't tell him to be. He gets a nasty cold in February, and my grandmother in hospice, who was already suffering from some heart problems, dementia, COPD, DIES. IS THAT POIGNANT ENOUGH FOR YOU?
Finally, the "news" starts picking up on this pandemic, but probably only because Trump caught wind of it and started doing something. They called him a racist for wanting to place travel bans on China. And of course, it was just racist to even insinuate that a disease that originated from China had absolutely anything to do with the Chinese.
In March, as the numbers start rolling in, and well after the virus has already had a chance to circle the globe three times over, THEN the media starts pushing the panic button. Now there's runs on supplies. People want masks, but the asians already bought them all up months ago and are keeping them to themselves. Shortages on lysol wipes and other disinfectants, toilet paper and other necessities and people are expecting the worst. This is when lockdowns were being discussed. Travel between states was being restricted, businesses were shut down. I even know of a highway that was locked down for a while.
By then it was far too late, though. Covid had already been spreading everywhere, and sure it was probably mutating, but there was pretty much no way to undo or prevent the damage anymore. Still, after the damage was done, then the media kept faking death and medical records and doctoring their statistics. They kept making it out to be a threat that it no longer was. And so here we are today. Two years into "two weeks to flatten the curve".