Put your feelings about Democrats to one side. Vaccines have existed for hundreds of years, long before the modern-day Democratic Party was constituted. Infectious diseases themselves have existed for far, far longer.
How can it be that George Washington, who lived 250 years ago, knew more about the effectiveness of vaccines than you do today?
Because George Washington was a product of the Enlightenment — the same leap forward in human knowledge that birthed the concept of natural rights that inspired the American Revolution — while despite living in the 21st-century, you still cling to a pre-Enlightenment way of thinking.
How do pre-Enlightenment people respond to pandemics? Also known as “plagues”?
We have a historical record for that. They blame foreigners. They blame the Jews. They blame sexual promiscuity. They blame wars and kings. They, ultimately, credit God for the Plague and blame all of humanity itself for its alleged sins.
And what do they do in response?
They don’t socially distance. They don’t put on masks. They don’t vaccinate. They don’t do the things that science and modern medicine have shown are effective at fighting contagion.
Instead, they congregate in large groups to amble about, moan and flagellate themselves, in hopes of appeasing God’s wrath. It makes sense, doesn’t it? If you think God is the source of the Plague, and the only one who can undo it, then why not go straight to the source?
The problem is lacerating your own skin, let alone in large crowds of people, exposes yourself to an even greater risk of infection via the mechanisms that diseases actually travel.
These days, Covid denialists and anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers spout pseudo-scientific hogwash. It’d be easier if they just congregated to moan and chant prayers and flail themselves like the good ol’ days.