Freeman is an interesting man and was a Democrat for years. He is a hard one to judge one way or the other on politics (at least from my perspective of him). In an article with AARP Magazine he said,
“I supported Hillary in the election, and now it feels like we are jumping off a cliff,” he started. “We just have to find out how we land. I’m not scared, though.”
And then Freeman really threw a curveball by almost ENDORSING Trump.
“I’m holding out hope that Donald Trump has to be a good president. He can’t not be. What I see is a guy who will not lose,” said the actor. Wow! Now that is something you don’t hear every day from a Hollywood liberal.
I also recall an interview he did w/ Mike Wallace years ago when Freeman knocked it out of the park when he talked about Black History Month. Anyway, maybe we'll never know for sure but it was an interesting comment you made, Johnny.