"Why are you commenting on books that you have no idea what they are about ?"
Have you read the book or have you only gone "online and read -why- conservative parents do not want their children being exposed to this in school."?
"There is no learning experience from child pornography"
Forgive me, but I do not know if the book contains child pornography and, I suspect, neither do you.
"you never struck me as a hardline braindead liberal that refuses to see the other sides if presented with logical reasons."
Thank you. And by disagreeing with you here, shows that I am not a liberal who is in favor of burning books nor judging them based on other people's perspectives.
I've been quite honest with you that I have not, in fact, read the book but have maintained that books that do contain such content can be morally beneficially. Despite what Puritan Conservatives may think with their unrealistic standards, that they think they can successfully shelter their children from the reality of the world, especially one where the internet exists and can do far more damage than a mere book, banning such books will not -in fact- solve anything. Again, if they have moral benefit. If they don't, then fine. Ban them from public schools but I have yet to see any evidence of this and I'm not so free with my time to read a book of that nature at this time.
Whether we are parents or not makes no difference if we're being objective. If you only want to appeal to me subjectively through your perspective then you're utterly failing to be objective in your analysis which, is why I am not immediately convinced that the book contains pornography.
What I can tell you is that I actually have read other people's perspectives. And it appears that many Texas Schoolboards have reviewed the complaints and considered them fair. However, I won't pretend that I know what the book contains or the point it is trying to make for having the content, again, without the context.
Context is very important in text.