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Fenrar28 (23530)
Joined 2019-12-06
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Free in fun
0 ups, 3w
The left can't meme...
We need lunatic control, not gun control. in politics
0 ups, 3y
Thank for letting the lunatics out, Regan! :/
“There Is Nowhere Else To Go” ~~ Maximo Alvarez in politics
3 ups, 3y
Democrats started the last civil war, lest we forget.
2021 A better thanksgiving day in politics
2 ups, 3y
Forget Trump. If you think you're better off this thanksgiving to last year... blaming Trump for things or using him as a crutch this far into the Biden Administration is just a refusal or unwillingness to speak out against "the party". No, I didn't vote for Trump and I didn't vote for Biden either.
for democrats : concern mom, bad , child porn, good. in politics
5 ups, 3y
There's only one reason for showing that kind of material to kids - Grooming.