"Not if there's nothing illegal or unethical going on"
The issue as I see it, Octavia, is that you trust without verifying. The key word in your sentence is "if". You seem to have no interest in making it more definitive. So "if" there was something illegal or unethical going on, but it resulted in what you want (meaning Trump out and Biden in) you seem to have no interest in knowing about it.
I'm not saying there was cheating or the election was stolen, because so far nobody has proven it where it matters, which is in a court. What I find interesting though, is the willingness of the sheeple to just believe what the media tells them about this (and of course, a multitude of other things) without checking up on them. It doesn't take much effort. For example, when Trump would make a a speech, what did we see on TV? The media would say he said something, and usually not even show him saying it. Or worse, play a soundbite entirely out of context to support whatever lie they wanted to tell about him. It's either that, or they're just too dayum dumb to understand the English language. I suppose there's always that.
I too once had my eyes closed and simply trusted what the media told me. It all started to change when Trump ran. I would watch the debates, and the talking heads would come on after a debate and say that Trump had said things that he simply did not say. Then of course, the rest of the media would run with it. Journalistic integrity is dead. The speed at which they want to report the news seems to have entirely negated their desire to be accurate. So, once my eyes were opened a tiny bit by the debate example, I started to check up on the media, and the floodgates opened. Lies upon lies upon lies! And the sheeple just believe them.