Your 'science' is fiction.
Genitalia are NOT secondary sexual characteristics.
Genitalia are physical features we normally already have by birth, and minus the rare abnormality, are what determine sexual identity.
"And a trans person’s brain has been shown to more closely resemble those with the same sex assigned at birth."
Also false.
While there have been quite a few brains studied with different levels of development in different centers seemingly more akin to that of the other sex,
1. Studied samples have been too small to establish a pattern.
2. The unusual brain developments are not exhibited by all or a majority.
3. The actual effect on function has not been determined.
4. A lobe here, a center there, is only part of the whole brain.
5. Causality has not been established.
For example with #5, many male trans have brains with less of a cerebral cortex, much like a woman. Ok, that's interesting.
But then again, so do children in general from abusive households. Just being yelled often yelled at will cause this. In fact, even children raised by parents who constantly argue display this. We know those raised in such houselholds display lesser IQs and are more prone to criminality due to this.
Now does that prove that the abuse they were subjected to or witnessed was caused by their smaller cerebral cortexes? Of course not.
The lesser development is a consequence of growing up in an abusive enviroment.
Abusive enviroments are something trans children have been subject to at a greater frequency than average. Just seeming to be effeminate will get them hassled even more, and many have been sexually molested as well, again at higher than average numbers.
So there you have a development in the brain of male trans akin to a female which may seem to be congenital but may in fact instead be the result of abuse during childhood.