It's funny because Biden voted to keep schools segregated - calling it a racial jungle to integrate, voted on the Crime Bill, had many public appearances with Byrd (ex patron leader of the KKK), told black voters they ain't black unless they vote for him, called black children roaches while at a speech, said poor kids while referring to blacks - then said they are just as talented as white kids, in reference to Barak Obama said he was the first black who was educated, well spoken, and clean looking...
But Trump - the guy who won many awards from Al Sharpton an Jessie Jackson, for his contributions to the African American communities.... THAT is the racist one.
That's some serious mental gymnastics. Being queer is ok - Republicans agree. It's dangerous to be so mentally inept that you look at Biden and think Trump is the racist.... Dangerously stupid. Honestly you should have a handler or wear a bell so people know you're not sticking forks into outlets.