"Many of the founders wanted that to apply to blacks as well but they had to compromise in order to defeat the British"
Compromise with themselves, as many were slave owners.
His statement is also deliberate bunk - and he was already told this weeks ago - because it was ratification of the Constitution that gave cause for the compromise, and this was AFTER the defeat of the British in the Revolution. Wasn't exactly a case of "Mine crystalle balleth predicteth the British from over yonder cometh 1812" either, but that the larger the body, the better for not just defense but economy and keeping each other in check with common goals rather than squabbling over borders and currency and trade as they already began to once freed of the British Crown.
"We don't want the Democrats Jim Crow laws back"
He had originally claimed to be a Democrat from Georgia who switched parties for Reagan, and that his mother's lineage was of slave owners. So he knows what the REAL Conservative movement was about since the 1960s, and that's is:
1. A preservation of segregation on the basis of the notion that WASPs were supposed to be the pinnacle of evolution,
2. To teach only Creationism in school because the Theory of Evolution is bunk.
3. Hide in the potato cellar lest the Ruskies bomb us because expanding the USSR into fallout zones is way awesome for them Siberian toasted folks.
4. Only Southerners should recieve public assistance because the War of Northern Aggression done fhucked thangs up while Big City Yankees are rollin in the dough like it was air...
Something sure inhibited the fine art of basic logic with that lot who claim evolution made them superior yet believed said evolution is a farce. Oh, wait, perhaps the Torie throwbacks are on to something...