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zebrawolf79 (58498)
Joined 2019-11-12
132 Featured Images
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PSA -- Keep Your Eyes On The Road in fun
1 up, 2w
That semi blended in with the mountains. The driver probably didn't even see it until it was do or die time.
Bad Photoshop Sunday presents: Office SpaceX in politics
1 up, 2w
Timely and hilarious meme. Great job!
Untitled Image in Dark_humour
0 ups, 2y
YAY! I'm in the 6 percent!
Pete is ON THE JOB in politics
2 ups, 2y
I see you're still on point. Mayor "Buttplug" just keeps resurfacing. These inexperienced, uneducated, socially inept failures must float to the top before being flushed. Hopefully before '24.