Part 2
They had a vocal advocate for sharia law, the biggest and worse oppression against women today, possibly in all history, as their leader. What Trump said was wrong, but there is a lot more wrongs a lot worse that wasn't even mentioned during that march.
Any real American who is against Trump for his statement regarding women would not have voted for sleazy Biden and the way he touches women and sniffs them. In a time during #metoo and gillette ads saying it is wrong for a man to approach a woman he finds attractive, I expected better. Although who am I fooling, I know it is all virtue signaling and they don't really care about wrongs and mistreatment of women.
I share your shame of our country.
"o stand trial for treason when he defended Russia agianst American Intelligence agencies."
I know not of what you reference, tell me.
One of your memes seems like you are a Biden fan, to which I find it hard to believe you are a republican. Which if you are a Biden fan, I must question the morality you claim to have.
However I am more interested in this meme of yours:
At the end of the meme you said "stupid is stupid and both sides need to grow up before it's too late".
I have an idea of what you mean, maybe, and in hoping there is another who shares my belief I ask what do you mean when you say before it's too late? Too late for what?