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Can I please just see my mom again? | image tagged in will you shut up man | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1,242 views 78 upvotes Made by anonymous 4 years ago in politics
7 ups, 4y,
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He'd have to ask the human trafficker who brought him here.
8 ups, 4y
Yes, because asking Biden would not yield anything but a gibbering, confused response!
3 ups, 4y
special kind of stupid | THAT PICTURE IS FROM 2018, AND THE KID WALKED INTO A DOG CAGE | image tagged in special kind of stupid | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1 up, 4y
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0 ups, 4y
Good One - Meme Upvoted!
1 up, 4y,
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When someone you don't like is president: They're putting kids in cages!

When someone you like is president: Stop overreacting. The situation is under control.
1 up, 4y,
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Get a Load of this Guy | get a load of this cheeky fucker | image tagged in get a load of this guy | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
I like neither as temporary figurehead. Personally I'd do more than put these invaders in cages but that's just my opinion.
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply

You'd take more extreme measures?

Kick all the invaders out?

I'm sure the indigenous peoples would really appreciate having all their land back.
2 ups, 4y,
3 replies
'Indigenous' lmao those Asian nomads spent centuries killing each other after they got here centuries after the Vikings.
Oh yeah I'd take far, far more extreme measures. We're talking landmines across the border. Flamethrowers waiting at the choke points. Alligators placed in the rivers and swamps along the border. Executions on mass and stick their heads on a spike to ward off any further invasion. I didn't work my ass off for a decade, slaving away doing shit jobs and taking shit orders to finally be able to come here and contribute to this economy and participate in this country. I didn't spend years moving from motel to motel, eventually getting a job good enough to afford a barley functioning hunk of junk car that I would sleep in night after night after night. Finally working my way into a nice suburban 2 bedroom house and even then worrying about staying in a job as to lose my visa and get kicked right back to the dead end country I crawled out of only to watch lazy entitled scum to flood in with ease and receive benefits and even healthy care when I had to go 2 years with a f**king enormous toothache before I could afford to see a dentist. Through blood, sweat and may tears I got here. And I'll be go***mned if I let any more thugs ravish my store and twerk over my hard work while I retreat. I'm not doing this again. EVER. any more f**king riots happen in my store or my god forbid my f**king home and I swear by the Lord I will shoot these animals and put my dick in the bullet holes. I love this country and I'll never let it become as shitty and rundown as my old home after all I've done to get here legally.

So yeah I would use more extreme methods. Any questions?
1 up, 4y
0 ups, 4y
americans are f*cking hilarious
0 ups, 4y
Yeah, I do have a question.

How can the same people simultaneously be being literally caged without access to basic resources, have their children removed, often without any hope of seeing then again due to poor record keeping and also be "flooding in with ease, receiving benefits and health care?
0 ups, 4y
1 up, 4y,
2 replies
Listen kid, the cabal needs their adrenochrome.
It's been a tough year for your elitist overlords.
2 ups, 4y,
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2 ups, 4y
What? Who is the middle eastern person in this scenario?
4 ups, 4y,
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3 ups, 4y,
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Obama never tricked asylum seekers into handing over their kids where they were then adopted out by "Christian" child trafficking agencies. That would be Drumpf. And how does he get to blame anyone else for "separating families" for 4 years when that zero tolerance policy was put in place by Stephen Miller aka the white supremacist with the oddly shaped forehead?
1 up, 4y,
2 replies
You need a very huge dose of reality here. Obama actually contracted to have around 65,000 children to be brought to the United States from Central and South America.

Where to you get the idea that child trafficking agencies are "Christian"? I know of nowhere in the Bible were it says, thou shalt traffic children from other countries.

I guess you're going to be one of those people who will blame everything bad on Christianity. If that is the case then let me remind you that "atheists" Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin and Mao Tse Tung murdered nearly 100 million people all in the name of atheism.

What you need to do is go against the society try to look at things more objectively and not through this automatic all-things-Christian-are-evil crap. You owe your natural rights and freedom to Christianity because without Christianity there would be no Declaration of Independence and no US Constitution. If there was never any religion mankind would have exterminated itself millennias ago.
3 ups, 4y,
1 reply
You seriously need to stop getting your news from Infowars. That guy said in court that he doesn't believe anything he says. He just says it for the money. Obama never "contracted" to have 65,000 kids brought to the US. There was an influx of unaccompanied minors at the border and DHS, immigration and the dept of HHS asked for resources to transport them.

Also, I'm a Christian so you're assumption about me is wrong. Newsflash, there are a lot of liberal Christians out there. But maybe these adoption agencies are just fake Christians like Drumpf.
0 ups, 4y
Fortunately for you I avoid InfoWars like the plague. I think Alex Jones is a crackpot.

I heard about this contract was back in the day and so I went to a government website to look it up and I found the actual contract. I should have downloaded it right then and there but I didn't. A few months later I went back to that same website and it was gone.

That happens sooooooo much with the underhanded stuff that governments and other governmental type agencies. Like how when the UN first published their information on Agenda 21 before I even got a chance to look for myself they changed it. It wasn't too much longer when everything shifted to Agenda 2030 (BTW those are real programs on the real United Nations websites, not just some conspiracy theorist). If you look at Agenda 2030 now it is full of all sorts of works to make liberals feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It is only when you realize that in order to accomplish these goals by 2030 it will have to be done by force.

Then there is the infamous Great Reset video that got yanked from the World Economic Forum's website. You can still find it online. But it is where part of the Great Reset is that "you will own nothing and you will be happy". Then they say "you will rent everything". The taking away of private property rights is a central part of Socialism.

Okay so your a Christian. I do know that there are many liberal and leftist Christians. Some of those Christians even think that Socialism is a "Christian" political philosophy. It isn't. Socialism is founded by Satan, not Jesus.

It is just when you said, "'Christian' child trafficking agencies" I just assumed that you were just another Christian hating leftist. There are just far tooooo many of them.
3 ups, 4y,
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0 ups, 4y,
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You totally should have read BlueNinja's comment that I was replying to. Then I found out that BlueNinja is a Christian.

I made the assumption that he was just another atheist leftist ignorantly attacking Christianity.... again....

What I meant is that if any atheist should make baseless attacks on Christianity then I would just flip it around and base the holocaust of the 20th century on atheism.

"No, they didn't. They murdered people in the name of communism. Atheism isn't communism."

Not all atheists are communists but all true believers of communism are all atheists. Atheism is not communism, you are correct. But communism cannot fully function as long as there are theists running around. The prime directive of all ism's based on socialism is to eradicate religion so that the ism becomes the new religion and the gods are those running the government.

"Except there are things in the US Constitution which directly conflict with things in the Bible, like freedom of religion. The 10 Commandments prohibit freedom of religion, the US Constitution guarantees it for all American citizens."

Oh Octavia, Octavia, Octavia... what am I going to do with you? The 10 commandments does not prohibit freedom of religion. God is not a religion. Religions are created by those who worship God. That is why the God of the Old Testament is revered in Judaism, Christianity and Islam (although Islam's idea of Allah is a radical departure from the Jews and Christians).

Considering that our founding fathers were all devout Christians I tend to believe that they were very familiar with the 10 commandments. If they wanted to create a theocracy they could have but the found in the Bible that God will force no man to heaven and so they went with that approach and formed a secular nation where the individual was left to "work out [his/her] own salvation with fear and trembling" (Philippians 2:12)

Despite the fact that God issues commandments, those commandments have always been up to the individual to keep or disobey. It was NEVER the responsibility of the government.

"Like all the other animals that exterminated themselves just because they didn't have religion?"

Animals and humans are not the same. Animals lack the ability to reason.
3 ups, 4y,
2 replies
1 up, 4y
0 ups, 4y,
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"The funny thing is that many atheists understand Christianity and the Bible better than many Christians, and that's exactly why they are atheists."

I seriously doubt that. I've ran into far too many atheists who thought they knew the Bible but were sorely mistaken about major parts of it. Reading the Bible for inspiration is entirely different than nitpicking the Bible to prove it wrong.

I don't know you but I can only guess that you had atheistic thoughts prior to reading the Bible. If you were being truly honest with yourself you wouldn't have just given up on it. There are flaws and contradictions in the Bible all based on the problems of translation and transcription prior to the printing press. Plus we do not have the original manuscripts.

If you understand that ahead of time then you will have a better understanding going into reading the Bible.

In addition you have to realize that everything the left has been conditioned to believe as the truth will always stand in contradiction to the Bible. The Bible will not justify the taking of another human life (outside of self defense or war) just because that life is an inconvenience and you want to have sex without consequences.

"The first commandment literally prohibits people from worshiping other gods than Yahweh. If you're prohibited from worshiping any god you want, then you don't have freedom of religion, do you?"

And yet, the United State is not a theocracy. What is that? The entire nation was built on the framework of the Bible. Is it because, like with all other commandments, that those commandments are given to the individual and not the state? Even so the United States recognized the God of nature, the Divine Providence, our Creator in all of the writings of the founders. They literally did not put any other god before the God of the Bible. And yet we still are not a theocracy.

God is not a dictator. Technically speaking God never authorized anyone to create a theocracy. Perhaps when ancient Israel escaped Egypt and gave the Law that was about as close to a theocracy is it ever got. Even so God wanted Israel to be freely governed by judges and the law. Too many times in the Old Testament the people wanted to be ruled by a King. They were much freer when they were ruled by judges and the law but there were then and still are now far too many people who want to told what to do. Today we call them leftists.
0 ups, 4y,
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0 ups, 4y
Oh my goodness Octavia... How could you even think that? No book has been scrutinized as much as the Bible and for a longer period of time. Christians have gone over it in such details that they are inventing new ways to look at the texts and trying to squeeze some hidden meaning.

Archeologists in Israel have been using the Bible as a road map and it has been shown to be the most accurate text of anything else out there.

Even the atheists and the skeptical, for centuries, have gone over and over and over that book trying to find flaws and reasons to disapprove of it.

I don't care if you are skeptical or even an atheist. That is your choice. But if you really want to find out the truth of then you need to ask God. James 1:5-6.

The demands that God makes are on His followers. AND the reason for the demands is so that those who have chosen to follow God clearly understand what they need to do to return to live with God in eternity.

But how many people do you know who God forced to obey His commandments? I don't know of any. The only one that comes to mind in the Bible is Jonah. Jonah was running away from an obligation he made with God and God sent a whale to bring him back.

If God was the dictator that you are referring to then none of us would have any freewill. We would be mindless robots. There would be no such thing as atheists or even skeptical people. That kind of devotion to God is NOT what He ever wanted. He wants people to choose Him of their own freewill.

The reason why so many churches in the middle ages and Renaissance A) forbid their adherents from reading the Bible and B) took their freewill away is because they were NOT following God. Once the Bible was printed and the common man could read it, first they killed those people to try to stop people from finding out how corrupt those church leaders had become. But they could not stop it because God was on the side of the reformers. And early on the reformers understood that God intended His followers to be free. It still took centuries to affect the kind of changes that now caused all Christian religions to honor freewill.
0 ups, 4y,
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"So it's just a huge coincidence that ancient Israel was set up under his rules and commandments, and it was definitely a theocracy?"

The Law of Moses has been incorporated all throughout western civilization. It is called natural law or the law of the God of nature. It is the foundation of our legal system. Does that mean we are a theocracy?

We didn't incorporate the entire law of Moses. Men who are injured in their private areas are not prevented by natural law from entering a church in the US. (Deuteronomy 23:1) Nor is that even a law any more. Paul referred to the law of Moses as the "schoolmaster" (Galatians 3:24). A school is to prepare us for life. The law was to prepare us for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Most of the law no longer applies to any of us. Basically there is what Jesus taught and if you are having problems understanding what He meant then you can refer to the law and find where the law is more specific.

"Who are "we"? I don't know anyone who calls people like that leftist"

Really? You guys run the the federal government for even the most minute things. Progressive have gotten more unnecessary laws passed than at any time prior to the Progressive era. When you can't get those laws passed in Congress then you run to the Supreme Court. When that wasn't fast enough then Obama started writing law through executive orders and executive actions. Now you've created a dictatorship because you guys demand so much control.

What the left really loves to do is create law to tell other people what they can or cannot do. Most of what you guys are doing now is trying to legislate our behavior to comply with your behavior. And when you can't get laws passed then you came up with political correctness, first, and now you have cancel culture.

Freewill is the LAST thing on your minds. You want laws passed to punish people for their intentions without even examining what their intentions were.

You guys are the biggest control freaks this country has ever had to endure. Many of you are socialists or communists and that is just pure evil. Socialists are malignant narcissists.
2 ups, 4y,
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"Animals and humans are not the same. Animals lack the ability to reason."

Some humans lack the ability to reason, children and some people with disabilities for eg. Do you think that makes them animals?
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No. That does not make them animals or any less valuable than a whole person.
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I agree, clearly that distinction makes no sense.

Humans *are* animals, being more intelligent than other animals doesn't mean we're not animals.
0 ups, 4y
We have the ability to reason at a level far above even the smartest of animal. Clearly that alone is a distinction that should be easy to recognize. Animals can do some amazing things but we are far more advanced. We may have the same basic physiology as other mammals but clearly there is a massive difference in intellect. Even our mentally handicapped are light years ahead of any animal.
0 ups, 4y
"We have the ability to reason at a level far above even the smartest of animal. Clearly that alone is a distinction that should be easy to recognize. Animals can do some amazing things but we are far more advanced. We may have the same basic physiology as other mammals but clearly there is a massive difference in intellect."

Chimpanzees are significantly more intelligent than pandas, they are both still mammals.

"Even our mentally handicapped are light years ahead of any animal."

There are mentally handicapped humans incapable of using tools or demonstrating reasoned decision making, there are apes that demonstrate both these behaviors.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Somehow it's Trump's fault that Biden is continuing a horrible tradition, that was originally (and the same cages made) under the Obama presidency?
4 ups, 4y,
2 replies
So you're trying to say this all started under Obama? And not the same cages because Trump signed an executive order in 2017 which gave provisions for more detention centers to be created. Why? Because his white power czar Stephen Miller was about to enforce his zero tolerance policy where they had ICE chasing down peoples' grandparents and dragging off little kids' dads in front of them like the freaking gestapo. There are hundreds of kids that we stole under Drumpf that we still don't know who their parents are because they kept such lousy records.
0 ups, 4y
Waaaaitttt. Do you mean the kid who was firing a gun at 2:30 AM, with 21 years old Rubin Roman (probably misspelled)?
0 ups, 4y
Most of the policies and crap on this issue we have today came from the Obama presidency. Give me the article.
They didn't keep "lousy records." There was an abundance of immigrants that were entering the US, and ICE had no choice but to contain as many as possible...When you have kids paired with adults, you can't treat both the same, so they had to be separated...This message was made clear to Mexico, but they still kept on coming to the border.
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  • Will you shut up man.
    Can I please just see my mom again?