The only thing I know that the right calls the left is Socialist. That is because the Democrat party has become the Socialist party. You and many Democrats may not consider yourselves Socialists but your party leadership is 100% in lockstep with Socialism and have been for a few decades.
If you look online for the Nazi party platform of either 1932 or 33 (I can't remember) and take out all references to Germany and Germans you pretty much are left with the Democrat party platform. Despite what that stupid left right scale we were taught in school says, we were lied to. Nazis is an acronym for "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei" which translates to English as "National Socialist German Workers' Party". Nazi's were/are Socialists. They are the far left like every other variation of Socialism.
What everyone needs to know is that scale is based on what the early 20th century Progressives wanted you to believe when it became well known in America just how evil Nazis, Fascists, Communists and any other form of Socialism are. However, for whatever reason the Progressives kept the Socialists and Communists on the far left.
Prior to that idiotic and senseless scale that got into our schools, prior to that the left right scale put total government control on the far left and anarchy or no government at all on the far right.
So to call the right Nazis or Fascist is moronic. I am not saying that is what you said but it is fairly common for people on the left to do that. Antifa has been burning buildings, assaulting people and destroying because they think everyone to the right of them is a full on Nazi.
The right and especially the further right you go are pro freedom. Republicans are (or were about 40 years ago) the center right. Libertarians, the far right and anarchists and voluntaryists the extreme right.
Democrats, prior to Woodrow Wilson and excluding Truman and Kennedy were the center left party. All other Democrat presidents are far to extreme left. Biden was a far leftist but as a puppet president has become the extreme left.
So the names the left calls the right are absurd. They have absolutely no basis in reality. The names the right calls the left may not describe you or a lot of people but it does describe the people the left votes for. Typically liberals will say they are on the center left and are not Socialists. Leftists, however, range from center left to extreme left and many of them do call themselves Socialists.