I would hardly call wanting to defunding the police supporting a police state. Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are hardly "the state" and organizations and figureheads getting banned for intentionally and repeatedly posting misinformation is perfectly within their legal right to protect their self-interest.
If you were in a police state, YOU would be in a Uyghur prison. Not banned from some social media sites for breaking their terms of services. Assuming you've even done so. I bet you haven't. Just had some of your content disabled or removed. That's more of an annoyance than a "police state"
But you know what? We kind of are in a police state. The US is rounding up a group of people and unlawfully detaining them. The people on the border, to the south, who've come here seeking refugee status are being locked up. Even under Biden this continues to happen.
Of the two of you, I wonder which is against such action despite your political differences, assuming there really are any? Who here really supports a "police state" if it was for YOUR own interests?
It seems to me that the primary criticism of Biden is that he is either not doing enough or doing too much. And I hilariously hear that from both sides of those who voted for him and those whom did not. Personally, I think it's too early to tell but jumping on Biden while trying to prop up the previous President, who lost, is not going to win you more Trump voters.
Quite the opposite.