“In a perfect world, Americans would unite and support the fact that the election was stolen.”
It wasn’t. It almost was by Trump and Republicans but a few Republicans with clear heads in the Supreme Court, the Justice Department, Congress, and the Vice Presidency persevered and preserved our constitution.
So, there was unity. You just missed it.
“Sane people who love our country would not vote for China Joe Biden (a forgetful puppet suffering from dementia) whose policies will annihilate America.”
Yet there was not a sane option for either viable party. Trump had the chance to dismantle the reasons why only Democrats and Republicans presidents are viable. Super packs and the electoral college. He didn’t do anything so... our choice were two demented puppets. One had their shot at the Presidency, the other hadn’t had one yet despite his many years in office and serving as a Vice President twice.
“We had a fraudulent election and good Americans should care enough to allow full exposure to the facts proving that it did indeed happen.”
Yes, if there is evidence it should be presented.
“We should be on the same team for truth but Dems do not entertain truth and in fact, do everything in their power to remove it from the internet with full support of the malevolent media.”
You’re exaggerating the pull Democrats have simply because a single candidate lost. Everyone is political and not everyone strictly leans left or right in their individual biases. I assume you’re talking of the strict censorship of misinformation that has continued to dilute our politics for some time. These businesses that run these media platforms have been scrutinized time and time again with calls to end fake news and are ironically doing just that by keeping out information that has been unverified (or worse) off their platforms. They are only protecting their interests, and rightly so.
And again, Republicans stood up to that narrative that the election was stollen. I assure the likes of McConnell, Pence, Barr, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, Barrett, and Thomas would’ve leaped at the smallest bit of evidence to give Trump a second term if they could. But there wasn’t any so they didn’t.
“Outside of a reversal of the election, if we do not stop the insertion of these criminal radicals into our government, America will cease to exist.”
It is not a crime to be a socialist, a marxist, a communist, or a Democrat. You cannot lock people up for political differences.