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2,092 views 73 upvotes Made by KermitsWorld 4 years ago in politics
7 ups, 4y,
3 replies
This is the not so bright Trump supporters :) I myself am a trump supporter and I do live in D.C. but this is stupid. The Trump supporters are indeed giving the democrats a taste of their own medicine in a way, but this isn’t the way we should handle things- also the democrats have done way more violence and stuff than today. But yeah
2 ups, 4y
I like that you are able to make a distinction between groups of Trump supporters. Trump supporters do not appear to me to be one group, and I don't the majority of them support what happened today.
1 up, 4y
I don't share your opinion, I don't understand your opinion, and I don't even really respect your opinion, but you sound like a sane person and that's good I guess.
3 ups, 4y,
2 replies
"also the democrats have done way more violence and stuff than today. But yeah"

care to give any examples?
1 up, 4y,
2 replies
Burning down house, strollers (aka my cousins stroller with my cousins baby), vandalism to many stores, harm to monuments, and killing people :) yes, the riot stuff from yesterday were horrible but not AS bad.
1 up, 4y
In my opinion at least. But you may have a different perspective :)
0 ups, 4y
the vandalism is bad, i agree. however, the rioters in the left-leaning crowds were only small numbers of people. the violence was often police-provoked, and the rioters only made a small number of the population protesting. with the recent riot, nearly everyone involved made efforts to storm into the capitol
2 ups, 4y,
4 replies
If you don't know by now, then examples are pointless. But this wasn't Trump supporters, this was a calculated and planned attack by ANTIFA.
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
eyyy at least FatBear actually gave examples

"then examples are pointless"

i love it when people are complicit and not willing to prove anything for basic support.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
I don't bother anymore. It changes no one's opinion and just causes more animosity.
1 up, 4y,
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"It changes no one's opinion"

at the end of the day it doesn't. but it helps to call out those who can't debate for a dime
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
I can debate. Debate .org is a place go to every now and again. I don't debate here, just argue. It's a meme site and I've gotten tired of it.
0 ups, 4y
fair enough
0 ups, 4y
That's just QAnon shit.
0 ups, 4y
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
you are a mentally retarded fool if you think that. Those were trump extremist supporters.
1 up, 4y,
3 replies
I don't care who they were, the "media" (and I use that term very loosely) are hypocrites and their agendas are evident. When you go months calling ANTIFA and BLM rioters burning down their cities as "mostly peaceful protesters" and then some Trump supporters storming the capital as "Trump supporting terrorists," you're nothing but a joke and an enemy to the country.
1 up, 4y,
4 replies
"Enemy to the country" Coming from the party that actually led an assault on the capitol itself.

So, how are these important right-wing figures ANTIFA, again? Seems like you're just trying to find a scapegoat to me :)
1 up, 4y
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
"The party" Uhm... Are you seriously trying to call every single conservative evil? I'll admit the riots were... HORRIBLE... But not every single trump supporter is okay with it. Stop saying "The party" Because I highly doubt the man you are talking to rioted with them. I understand what you are saying but you need to make a distinction against the Evil and the Civil. Otherwise if you wanna call out the ENTIRE party and say they're ALL horrible then you're no better than a racist. I agree though that this was quite horrible and it falls on the people who were in the riot. But it's not my job to carry the stupidity on my shoulders and feel guilty for them. So don't call HIS PARTY the terrorist. our PARTY is not terrorism. Just a few idiots in it are.
0 ups, 4y,
2 replies
You're jumping to conclusions.

" I understand what you are saying but you need to make a distinction against the Evil and the Civil."
What do you think Trump has been doing his entire administration? "The Radical Democrats.." Maybe now that you are seeing the damaging effects of hasty generalizations, you can understand why a lot of Democrats have been pissed off at Trump and members of his base for lobbing them all into a box as extreme, left-wing radical, socialist communists.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
I never said I liked him... But I understand where you are coming from. And I don't wish to lump everyone together in Two parties. It just seems far too... Judgemental to go after an entire party. I would much rather condemn just the BLM protestors who were violent and not BLM itself. As well as condemn those raiding instead of all the trump-supporters. I was just wondering... Do you consider us all evil? Because I seem to be called Homophobic or Racist every time I make a slightly conservative comment. Such as "I don't trust BLM. I'd rather go donate directly to poor black families" I immdiately get called racist for having paranoia. Or if I make a gay joke for some reason 90% of the time a Liberal calls me a homophobe. Or if I try to defend Conservatives I'm evil... Do you really believe we are all evil? I'm just tired of being lumped in... I myself am LGBTQ and as a majority of them are Liberal and democrat have many Liberal friends. they are rational civil people. But I often get accused by other liberals. Can I ask if you think I am evil? Do you think if I walked into the Liberal Politics stream they'd be okay with me if all I said was "I'm a little conservative". I believe at least 1 would hate me for no reason. I'm trying to get both sides to make a distinction. I honestly don't care whos right. I just don't like constantly being called wrong.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
"I would much rather condemn just the BLM protestors who were violent and not BLM itself."
>> If only everyone has this viewpoint.
"Do you consider us all evil?"
>> No, I have friends and family who are Trump supporters. They are in high contrast to the ... Um... "Quality" of the majority Trump supporters I find here. I think for every 10 Trump supporters I find, there is one who actually supports Trump and has as much vision and perspective as you do. Granted, I don't know whether or not you're a Trump supporter. Given your sentence "Do you consider us all evil?" I would assume you are.
" I immdiately get called racist for having paranoia."
>> Well what experiences have you personally had with the official leadership of BLM that warrants such paranoia?
"Do you really believe we are all evil?"
>> I don't believe that many of the Trump supporters I have met can claim the moral high ground. I don't believe that the party who is selling merchandise which reads "F**k your feelings" can be the party of good. I can't believe that a party whose agenda "Make liberals cry again" can be seen as the party of noble intentions.
"Do you think if I walked into the Liberal Politics stream they'd be okay with me if all I said was "I'm a little conservative". I believe at least 1 would hate me for no reason."
>> Probably. You should understand that the reason that stream was created was because of the constant bashing they received from the right. Who started it? Idk. I don't really care. But how bad does a situation have to be that warrants a people choosing to create their own space just so that they can find comradery without harassment?
1 up, 4y
That is the most respect I've gotten on this stream yet... Right or left... As far as paranoia goes. Hah, I guess whenever you constantly look at the media and they lie to you you just stop trusting them all. BLM is a big, political, Controversial topic. Everything that the media can get its hands on can't be trusted in my opinion. We picked a poor black man up off the street helped him get off alcohol, start going to church, get a place to stay, and get a job. I'd much rather be one on one then hand my money through a system I guess. Maybe that's irrational but I don't trust it. I understand why the other stream was made. Both sides just can't seem to get along. Also "F**k your opinion" shouldn't be political but it is a good life philosophy for personal acceptance lol. F**k everyone else all that matters is that I'm happy with myself. However, Is obviously see how it is meant negatively heh. I am not necessarily a supporter of trump. I'm just here to learn more. Although I am a bit conservative due to my family's views. The way I was raised I guess. I also enjoy watching people scream at each other. It's like reality TV. Welp thanks for talking to me. This gave me much more faith in a civil American. I love ya and have a very blessed lifetime.
0 ups, 4y
Lmao sorry for ranting man XD I got carried away
1 up, 4y,
2 replies
Seems like you didn’t have a problem with it until it was the right rioting. Perfectly okay with the summer long leftist insurrection. Good you now have a healthy respect for law and order and support police shootings now. Or your just another hypocrite aren’t you?
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
"As I said, I will support that if you round up BLM and Antifa and prosecute them too."

MAGA Leadership is Trump's Administration. If we arrest the rioters of BLM and ANTIFA in trade for the Trump admin, I gladly accept. Deal.
0 ups, 4y
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
Well, gee. I don't know. To be a hypocrite you have to accuse someone of doing something, then go off and do it yourself.

That didn't happen. We did something, and you said it was wrong. Then you went off and did it yourself.

Seems to me that I'm merely pointing out the hypocrisy of the left that they can't adhere to their own standards. Seems to me that they're just full of shit bending the rules for when it is in their favor. Now that we're applying the "You're wrong to do this." rhetoric. You're saying it's okay because we did it.

So you want to abandon your moral mountain you pretended to stand on? Turns out it was just an inflatable balloon that was deflated because of your [the 'your' being Trump supporters in general] snowflake feelings regarding political power, whereas the BLM riots were about the unlawful and excessive persecution of human lives.
0 ups, 4y,
3 replies
So you rationalize leftist violence and anti police sentiment until the opposition does the same. Then you have newfound convictions. If you weren’t screaming about violence before your screaming now is insincere since you only care about violence the opposition commits lefty. Prosecute all who attacked government buildings as terrorists Round up the leaders of BLM, Antifa, Maga and anyone else who partook of it. I am totally ok with that. Go ahead I dare you.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
So you rationalize RIGHT-wing violence and anti police sentiment AFTER the opposition DID the same. NOW you have newfound convictions. If you WERE screaming about violence before, your HAVE INVALIDATED YOURSELF AND HAVE SHOWN YOU ARE insincere since you only care about violence the opposition commits. Prosecute all who attacked government buildings as terrorists Round up the leaders of Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer, Boogaloo Boys, QAnon and anyone else who partook of it. I am totally ok with that. Go ahead I dare you.
0 ups, 4y
Note you only listed the right wingers. Because your a partisan shill and had no problem with violence and rioting for months and want to play outraged citizen and everyone on the right locked up. The only person invalidated is you lefty hypocrite
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
"Note you only listed the right wingers. Because your a partisan shill and had no problem with violence and rioting for months and want to play outraged citizen and everyone on the right locked up. The only person invalidated is you lefty hypocrite"

Note, I simply copied what you said, and changed a few words so that you could understand the hypocrisy coming from your mouth. You invalidated yourself with your own words. The only reason you can't see it is because you're* a partisan shill and have no problem with violence and rioting; assaulting the very core of our government. You want to attack the left for them doing things that hurt your feelings (if you have any, that remains to be seen, all I've seen is anger and rage) and things that should be shunned for their violent acts. But, when the Right-Wing does it, it's okay because the left did it. You know what? In a land where the law "An eye for an eye." everyone goes blind.

Did I ever say you shouldn't riot? No. Did I ever say the Democrats should riot? Nope. Did I ever condone it? Nope. I DID say I understood their reasoning. That doesn't mean I agree. That's what it means to have emotional intelligence, being able to sympathize and relate to someone else's perspective beyond your own. Something the right-wing ADMITS they will not and cannot do as they are the "F**k your feelings." party. What I do criticize is that on one hand you tell the Democrats they are to be shamed for rioting. Then, you go off and do it yourself.

Who's the real shill here? It's not me, my man. You should go for a long walk and thing really hard about your positions that you take. Not just on your own party, but the opposition that you associate with. Like assuming I don't condone violence. Bad form dude. You need to get some perspective.
0 ups, 4y
Except I listed MAGA along with BLM you didn’t list any from the other side did you. I have not condoned any violence in regards to protests, ever. I have been consistent. Leftist riots directly killed 25 people over the last year. Yes that offends me. Yes the left and democrats ignored it and egged it on. Hell they encouraged it and provided money for bail and pushed for cashless bail. Now all of a sudden you’re the party of law and order?😂 you spent all summer demonizing police and rioting over use of force and all of a sudden you want unarmed protestors shot at the capitol? 😂 your president elect comes out and says more people should have been shot because if they were black they would have been. I think you need to take the walk. The walk of shame because what you promoted all summer led to this and it is not going away.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
"Note you only listed the right wingers. Because your a partisan shill and had no problem with violence and rioting for months and want to play outraged citizen and everyone on the right locked up. The only person invalidated is you lefty hypocrite"

To be be honest, I didn't catch that.
So, MAGA leadership should be prosecuted?
0 ups, 4y
As I said, I will support that if you round up BLM and Antifa and prosecute them too.
0 ups, 4y,
2 replies
No, I don't actually believe they're ANTIFA. Antifa have their own wackj-jobs and are generally far more violent. These people here attacked a government gone rogue and against the people. While I don't condone this shit, it was inevitable.

No, ANTIFA just goes after random citizens because they voted a certain way or support someone they hate. They also go after children and the elderly.

The right wing attackers in this case broke into a building and some trigger happy cops shot a woman in the face and killed her. If it were a black woman breaking into a Nike store, there would be a week long outrage riot over it.
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
But you just said...
0 ups, 4y,
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I don't know at this point. I am leaning more to the idea they were Trump supporters. You'll have to excuse me, this Trump supporting/Conservative rioting is pretty strange to me as it never really happens.
1 up, 4y
Huh, so you do have your head in the sand.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
1 up, 4y
That's a good one! LOL
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
Proven fact - Right Winger extremist groups are more violent than ANTIFA (a left-wing extremist group)
Unproven fact - ANTIFA go after the elderly and the children?
Proven fact - Right Wing Police officers opposing the BLM riots go after the elderly. Even cracking their skulls.
Proven fact - Right Wing extremists also commit violence against random citizens because they voted a certain way or support someone they hate.
Proven fact - Secret service was at the Capitol building because of the presence of Mike Pence and Kamal Harris. Secret Service are authorized to execute threats to members of the white house with extreme precedence.
Fact - the woman who stormed the Capitol who is an air force veteran should have practiced common sense, maintained her oath to the Constitution of the United States, and not interfere with Constitutionally mandated procedures. If she had done this, she would be alive today.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
I notice you talk a lot and yet say very little.
1 up, 4y
Yeah, that happens when you have to keep refuting & debunking Right-Wing lies.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
Over 90% of BLM protesters are peaceful, there are a few bad apples who incite violence in them though. And when we say "mostly peaceful" we mean the majority of protests are peaceful. And at least they didn't storm the f**king capital, which is, the capital.
1 up, 4y,
2 replies
Then you should understand that the vast majority of Conservatives and Trump supporters are also peaceful. There were a few "bad apples" that stormed the Capital.
1 up, 4y
I know conservatives are peaceful, I have nothing against them. I know those are bad apples too. I know trump supporters will mostly never do something as radical as that, but the are resilient to facts.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
Of those who went to Capitol yesterday...

"Roughly 50 people were arrested, and, to I'll be lenient to you by estimating that 250 people total went in, with only 1 in 5 getting arrested.

Based on the footage, 1-200 thousand seems to be a good estimate of the number of people

250/200000 = 0.00125, or 0.125%"
- Doofenshmirtz_Incarnate [imgflip user]

"Sure, we'll humor those numbers. Nevermind that you're including the peaceful protesters in your sum. If you apply the same math to peaceful protesters in BLM protests...
Polls show that between June 4th to June 22nd, between Kaiser, Pew, Civics Analytics, and N.O.R.C. that around 15 million to 26 million people protested. ABC tracked that there had been 14,000 arrests in that time (June). So let's go with the figure.

A) 14k/15m = 9.3 x 10^(-4) (.00093)
and B) 14k/25m .00056

Then compare it to 50/200k

So at best, you guys were 74% more violent. (.0009)/(.00125). Even more violent if you go with the 25 million."
- Cerebrophage [imgflip user]
1 up, 4y
Uh yeah, sure bud.
1 up, 4y
Truth bomb
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