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BUT THE CONTENT OF THEIR CHARACTER? | image tagged in mlk jr | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1,128 views 58 upvotes Made by Wilmugrad 4 years ago in politics
5 ups, 4y,
2 replies
Both sides hate certain groups.
The difference is...
Republicans hate people based on the content of their character.
Democrats hate people based on the color of their skin... and character... and lifestyle... and income bracket... and bedroom preferences... and general body type. Mostly things a person can't control or is easily demonized.
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Linus and his Blanket | NARRATIVES | image tagged in linus and his blanket | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
So long as you select which individuals you want to represent the whole, there is a difference.

Also... bedroom preferences and body type??? Which Democrats and how?
1 up, 4y,
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I was referring to straight and attractive people.
As far as which Democrats, I'd say it's the loudest 20% or so that hate everyone that isn't them. Estimating here.
0 ups, 4y
Democrats hate straight attractive people?

Lol wow that's quite a claim. I mean for one "attractive" is obviously subjective.. also I see memes/comments somewhat regularly about how ugly the left is with a pic of people (no doubt because the content of their character is ugly right?).... And sure there are clap backs.. but never have I seen one hating on repubs for being attractive. Is it like a silent hate that you sense or how does that work exactly? Are the hollywood leftist "elites" excluding attractive actors? What is that even based on?
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you left out color of skin and people who disagree for republicans
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Why do you think I did that?
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Because the fact that self-proclaimed racists are republican doesn't fit this ridiculous narrative.
0 ups, 4y
the democrats are racially profiling, but idc both parties are retarded
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Because your scared of something
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I doubt that Martin Luther King Jr. would be happy with the BLM movement
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Your right, they both matter. But people need to realize the black lives matter as much as white lives. That is all.
2 ups, 4y,
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BLM is a terrorist organization. WLM is just a meme that was spawned to poke fun that they get away with being a terrorist organization.
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BLM pretty much just protests peacefully now or puts out signs, the riots have mostly died down at Minneapolis, at least. (If there still were riots, I would know, I live there.)
1 up, 4y
Until the next cop justifiably defends themselves against a melanin rich individual.
0 ups, 4y
I dont thing there have been as many black lives matter protests recently
0 ups, 4y
Oh yeah because any time people of color want equal rights its wrong. *sarcasm*
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I do not like the riots, but what they stand for is equality. Again, the riots are wrong, but their motive is good.
0 ups, 4y
It doesn’t matter what color you are- it matters what religion you are, like if you’re a religion that wants to kill everyone to prove to their leader, uhm no thanks. But if you’re supportive of the other religions and you don’t complain about the country YOU DECIDED to go to, perfect!
0 ups, 4y
yall racist
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Not if we keep listening to supremacist fools.
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Oh i don’t believe BLM has anything to do with his standards.
1 up, 4y
Orange man- orange jump suit?
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Why takeover? I didn’t see an exclusion. You are the one wanting exclusion and focus on promoting one over the other.
0 ups, 4y
Hope there's another exit coming up, because several miles back you missed your exit to The Point.
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The position you're taking is typically how co-option and subversion starts.
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The position you have taken is how racism and division is promoted
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The position I've taken is what allows racists to feel justified in their racism. Fact is, racism of any kind is never justified.


You endorse this image? You're taking a point of racism by choosing to be ignorant of what BLM represents, mocking their movement by taking the name and replacing it with WLM, which in itself has been a racist act for a long time. You want an example? I wonder how many songs were originally sung by people of color, then taken over by whites in the mid 20th century.

To add to your ignorance, you fail to acknowledge how the actions you're doing affect the other side of the conversation. You're only focusing on you. There's your truth, their truth, and the facts. Could you make a movement similar to BLM? Absolutely, no one is saying you can't. But this here? Using the same name?

Don't pretend for one second that this isn't to mock the movement. Even if it was not done so, and you hold that belief that it isn't meant to mock, then how is it that you don't have the common sense to think up a different name completely that resembles the same idea to avoid appearances of malicious intent?

I'll tell you why. Because you're the "F**k your feelings." party. And you don't understand why diplomacy is important. It's possible at this point you never will. You'd rather punch anyone who gets in your way and use violence as a means to an end. It's truly sad because whenever confronted with this, cognitive dissonance occurs and you shine the mirror our direction, when the only person who should be looking in the mirror, is the one who's using the sign in question.

Be better man.
0 ups, 4y,
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Racism is promoting one race above others, period. You promote a false narrative of wokeness that denounces the country and it’s history. Criticism of historical figures is different than the vehement communist enemy inspired denouncement you preach. America is a great country and less racist than anywhere. The fact that other groups are able to thrive in such a supposed racist society points to cultural and other issues causing disproportion of police interactions. Get off your soapbox and post your white apology so we can see it. Have you denounced your white privilege publicly? Do it now please.
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See? You're showing your ignorance again. BLM isn't about promoting their race over others, that's your bias speaking for you. BLM is saying "Hey, we're suffering racial injustice here, please help us." You're seeing "Hey, our issues are more important than yours."

Then you attach buzzwords like communist to augment your argument when there is nothing communist about this. All that remains is your hate, ignorance and bigotry. You're truly lost in your hate and knee-jerk reactions. "Wokeness" is something you're trying to apply to me which is not something that I proclaim. To say that one is "woke" implies that they are aware to the plight that everyone suffers. Truth is, I don't. I'm not a PoC so I could never understand.

I can look at the numbers and I can see that a PoC is 13x more likely to suffer violent racism in their lifetime than a white person. Instead of letting my lack of perspective dictate my perception of the situation, I can take them at their word with the numbers provided by the FBI.

Instead, you're taking the coward's way out and refusing to acknowledge these issues because it doesn't focus on you. Get over yourself.
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You can twist numbers however you want. You can cherry pick the facts that support your narrative and ignore the realities that percentages of outcomes are directly affected by level
Of criminal Involvement. You can ignore the cultural issues that hinder some while different cultures who purportedly are hindered by this same racism flourish and succeed. In a country of 320 million people it is not systemic racism that is a problem. That just assuages your high sense of white guilt that you promote and project on others. It’s not 1860 anymore, it’s not even 1960, idiots like you pretend that those conditions exist today. They don’t. Blacks have higher percentage of bad outcomes because they have a higher percentage of interactions driven by a higher percentage of criminal involvement. The socio economic issues are tied to the cultural issues in that community. Blaming me for your father not sticking around and glorifying gangster culture will never solve your problem.
0 ups, 4y,
3 replies
"Blaming me for your father not sticking around and glorifying gangster culture will never solve your problem."

This sentence alone speaks for itself with your racism. Thank you for further proving my point.
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You can’t refute the point and lack the ability to understand the damage the black community visits on itself? Once again a weak kneed hate myself because of my skin color, white savoir boy denies facts over feels. What a surprise.
0 ups, 4y
Using black on black crime is not a reason to ignore the racism that they suffer.
0 ups, 4y
You keep trying to have answers why you aren't racist, but you keep giving racist answers.

Just stop.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Black on black crime? We could go through the statistics about murder rate and incarceration rates and simple
Comparison of the numbers show blacks are incarcerated at a higher rate? Oh it must be racism! Then look at criminal activity and Involvement. If you are poor you are more likely to be involved In crime. You are more
Likely get caught the more offenses you commit. You are more
Likely to receive a harsher sentence for a minor crime because you have a string Of minor offenses on your jacket. This holds tru regardless of skin color. Poor whites and Hispanics syluffer the same labels of bad outcomes. It’s more socio economic than racial. Why do Asians and East Indians thrive? Is it cultural? Family structure and focus on education? Being frank with facts isn’t racism. You think no one should be allowed to speak such things. So of course just blame whitey, it’s their fault cuz slavery. Bullchit
0 ups, 4y
Imagine having a legacy of slavery, having to work through generation after generation in a society of capitalism where it requires you to climb the socio-economic latter. Where competition is really high. It certainly doesn't helped when whites disrupted that process in 1921.

The Black Wall Street Massacre memorial is shown June 18, 2020 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The Black Wall Street Massacre happened in 1921 and was one of the worst race riots in the history of the United States where more than 35 square blocks of a predominantly black neighborhood were destroyed in two days of rioting leaving between 150-300 people dead.

But, you're only focused on what you see today. You can't take history into context. You're a simp. Building a legacy in a capitalist society takes years. Unless you're one of the few who get lucky and make it big in your life time. Socio-economic change in a capitalist society takes time, and discipline. It doesn't always work. And that's for people who aren't an oppressed minority. Imagine how difficult it is for those who are an oppressed minority.

But you can't even begin to comprehend that because your problems are more important than someone else's. It's their fault they're in the situation they're in right? It's their fault they have this issue, whites had nothing to do with it. That? Right there? That's choosing to ignore how incidents in the past have had an echoing effect on generations that followed. If racism actually stopped, it's quite possible that they might be in a better place. But we have police profiling people because of their skin color, people applying unjust sentencing to people of color.

You should watch that episode of South Park "Apologies to Reverend Jackson."
0 ups, 4y,
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Your an idiot, lots of bad things happened in history. It’s not 1920 dummy. Everybody who isn’t monetarily privileged has a greater struggle. Blacks don’t own that. Blacks with money have the same privilege as whites with money. Black citizens have citizenship and language privilege over immigrants. Yet immigrants outperform them. Why?

The black community has issues deeper and greater than just, “ it’s the white mans fault” no where is racism legal Or Condoned. The only thing you ever have to counter that is policing. Police pay attention to those neighborhoods and individuals that are involved in crime. Those people get more interaction with the police and since they have a higher rate of interaction they have a higher rate of bad outcomes. Poor whites and Latinos are treated any different. You think they are because you speak from a place of ignorance. It’s the Chris Rock ATM joke. Profiling pffft. It it looks
Like a duck acts like a duck quacks like a duck it’s probably a duck.
Don’t want to be seen as a thug. Figure out why you are perceived that way.
0 ups, 4y
"Your an idiot," If you're going to call me an idiot, at least try not to look like one yourself and use the proper "you're."

"Blacks don’t own that. Blacks with money have the same privilege as whites with money." I never said that, you're filling in the blanks with your narrative. You didn't listen to anything I said, you cherry picked my argument.

"The black community has issues deeper and greater than just, “ it’s the white mans fault” no where is racism legal Or Condoned." Yet, here you are practicing implicit racism.

"Don’t want to be seen as a thug. Figure out why you are perceived that way." Sound advice, you should follow it.
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