The position I've taken is what allows racists to feel justified in their racism. Fact is, racism of any kind is never justified.
You endorse this image? You're taking a point of racism by choosing to be ignorant of what BLM represents, mocking their movement by taking the name and replacing it with WLM, which in itself has been a racist act for a long time. You want an example? I wonder how many songs were originally sung by people of color, then taken over by whites in the mid 20th century.
To add to your ignorance, you fail to acknowledge how the actions you're doing affect the other side of the conversation. You're only focusing on you. There's your truth, their truth, and the facts. Could you make a movement similar to BLM? Absolutely, no one is saying you can't. But this here? Using the same name?
Don't pretend for one second that this isn't to mock the movement. Even if it was not done so, and you hold that belief that it isn't meant to mock, then how is it that you don't have the common sense to think up a different name completely that resembles the same idea to avoid appearances of malicious intent?
I'll tell you why. Because you're the "F**k your feelings." party. And you don't understand why diplomacy is important. It's possible at this point you never will. You'd rather punch anyone who gets in your way and use violence as a means to an end. It's truly sad because whenever confronted with this, cognitive dissonance occurs and you shine the mirror our direction, when the only person who should be looking in the mirror, is the one who's using the sign in question.
Be better man.