Love it!
The current admin, the most corrupt admin in American history has just set free, how many murderers of unarmed civilians? How many convicted criminals? How many people who have just one thing in common, unquestioning loyalty to Donald Trump!
Yet you save a point I made that is a direct answer to THAT issue, like it proves the left is crooked.
Funny, funny, ignorant shit!
I have absolutely no problem questioning EVERY election. None!
I've waited to hear actual evidence and have not heard it yet you people keep crying and melting like little snowflakes that things are not going your way. The time to find evidence has long since past.
I'll say it again, we've reached a point that I DON'T care what the left does to straighten this f**king mess out. There will be many guilty people on the right that will get away from prosecution due to Trump pardons but many more will not. The left can not do enough to them. The left is always fearful of angering the right and it's bullshit. The lying, cheating, stealing and corruptness will NEVER be fully realized the way it should because too many on the left play too honestly.
I have ZERO problem playing just as ruthlessly, aggressively and with same malice toward the right as what I've seen against the left.