Reagan ''is a little bit of Richard Nixon gangsterism and skulduggery, George Wallace explicit racism, Barry Goldwater isolationism, Andrew Johnson obstinacy and knownothingism, Andrew Jackson populism and disregard for law, all wrapped up and tied in a bow with the rage and fury of them all.''
There, fixed it fer ya.
Just what part of making secret deals with the Ayatollah Khomeini to hold the American hostages till he got inaugurated, selling them arms for years while we had sanctions against them, transporting and selling more cocaine than anyone in history - starting the crack epidemic - to buy guns to sell to Iran to buy more guns with the proceeds to sell to Nicaraguan terrorists to buy more cocaine and repeat did you not come across in your delightful browsing of Wikipedia?
If that ain't gangster, child, dafuq you think is? Not enough knownothingism in that pile for ya?
His 'apology' which admitted nothing other than he was a senile idiot oblivious to what was done out of his office with his signature on it was after months of pressure and a huuuuuuuuuuge pile of egg on his deeply creviced face. Kinda not reminds of Trump's pardons for the Trumps for not having committed crimes much?
''Thessssse freeeeedom fighterrrrrs'' - Google.
Also Google ''Welfare Queens,'' and no, that ain't a Trump dog whistle. It's of a somewhat earlier vintage.
- that lead to tens of thousads rendered homeless, including many mentally ill and a heap of veterans. But it was ok, cuz it wuz them cuty darkies, weren't it?
Memory has left those time somewhat sunnier than they were.
Despite them, however, we also thought we were on the brink of - you guessed it, civil war, a racial civil war, one with the burning 60s and 70s practically INSIDE the rear view window.
Class war, culture war, ye olde tropes, cept it was the Moral Majority, the Bible Belt vs the Northern Urbans instead of the Red States vs Blue that were gonna toss the first bullet into that ring.
Every US President starts off isolationist. Every. single. one. That never lasts long, although in Cowboy Ronny's case, in was big bad Grenada and two camels in Qaddafi's home the Colonal wasn't at to flex Reagan's talk-loudly-swing-a-big-dick muscle.
One difference - sorta - is the Russia thang. Except the USSR is no longer coming, and China has taken its place. Big whoop dee dee.
Like I said, do a little looking into this that's beyond a Wiki copypaste.