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Who’s the traitor, who’s the patriot

Who’s the traitor, who’s the patriot | HOW COME IF YOU FLY THE FLAG PEOPLE AUTOMATICALLY THINK YOUR A REPUBLICAN? OH YEAH BECAUSE THE DEMOCRATS ARE ASHAMED OF THE FLAG AND BURN IT; WHO’S THE TRAITOR? WHO’S THE PATRIOT? | image tagged in traitors,liars,patriotism,patriots,democrats,communist socialist | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
2,016 views 79 upvotes Made by Bluessol 4 years ago in politics
10 ups, 4y,
6 replies
Teddy Roosevelt: Patriot. Republican. Progressive. | image tagged in teddy roosevelt quote press freedom,teddy roosevelt,quotes,patriotic,patriotism,quote | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Teddy Roosevelt: Patriot. Republican. Free speech supporter. Science-minded. Labor union-friendly. Eco-minded. Progressive.

Since his day the Republicans have gone so off the rails that the Democrats are his clear intellectual heirs.

Not to mention FDR & Truman. Democrats who kicked Nazi ass and took names. JFK and LBJ were as anti-communist as they came. Bill Clinton grew the most impressive economy ever. Obama killed the perpetrator of the 9/11 attacks and kept the pressure up on terrorists with drone campaigns.

Progressivism is as American as apple pie. Funny how 100+ years later conservatives still treat it as some sort of foreign import or anarchist fringe movement.

Nah. We’ve been in the building a minute.
5 ups, 4y
The problem is those progressives make comments and do things that alienate huge swaths of Americans...Obama and his infamous "They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."...this simultaneously disenfranchised most of rural America (who own firearms for hunting and self-defense and are largely Christian) and insulted them by implying they're universally anti-immigration or anti-trade.
Obama also lost the good faith of a lot of folks by expanding our involvement in foreign conflicts which could have been better served by expending U.S soft power. This is not to say all of his foreign operations were bad, but he wasn't exactly an olive branch President.

The point is, Progressives seemingly don't care about those who disagree with them, and running someone over with your bus rather than trying to split the road isn't a good way to build a good dialogue with those who disagree with your policies.
2 ups, 4y
I would say the same of the Democratic Party. They no longer support free speech, freedom of religion or the working man and women. They see them as a tax base to pay for their pie n the sky wish lists. Progressive hate America destroy her history is definitely something new. Teddy would be appalled and would be swinging a big stick and not walking that softly if he saw the disgrace the left has become over their derangement.
2 ups, 4y
When you thank them. | Thank you | image tagged in joe biden flag,patriotic,joe biden | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Thank you for making this a top comment

I will fly another flag in salute
1 up, 4y
The problem is that the left takes the statement “It is more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about anyone else”, and throws it in the garbage. They only tell the unpleasant about conservatives and the pleasant about the leftists. And they make stuff up, too.

FDR (and Teddy as well) were decent from what I’ve heard. The Kennedys had some issues (like Ted Kennedy’s whole situation, [and Bill Clinton called him a man of integrity]). And LBJ literally said, “We’ll have n****rs voting Democrat for two centuries” on live TV (it is available for finding). Bill Clinton raped someone and the media glossed over it because they wanted him in office so badly. Obama may have done that, but he also made deals with Iran, one of the countries that considers us “The Great Satan.”

What I’m saying is that Democrats are not honest, and have not been for a long time. Sure, I get that Republicans are not always honest, and have not been for a while. I have always had a moral standard and will vote for whoever fits that bill, regardless of party. The problem is that the left has gone so far from that standard now that I cannot vote for anyone there anymore. They are constantly lying about Republicans.

Take the instance of Trump mocking the disabled reporter “for being disabled”, as the left has put it. If you even know anything about the man, what he did in that video is a pattern of what he does when mocking people for lying for at least 10 years, and he was saying that reporter was lying. So his hand motion was gesticulation to mock lying. But the left has never mentioned this, even though people have gone to detail showing this. Their problems with Trump before the coronavirus were so blatant that you could tell they’re just trying to peg him on just something. Mockery for twitter typos? Come on. And coronavirus gave them something to pin on him. He shut down China travel, and Biden and Harris both called him racist and a xenophobe. Now the virus got in America, and he didn’t do his job, but Biden will.
1 up, 4y
And do you want to see some real dishonesty by the way? This has nothing to do with presidents, but I felt i should bring it up.

Do you remember the housing bust? Do you know Democrats, like Barney Frank, were supporting these organizations to make America the best housed people in the world. Good intention, but there were problems with it, and it famously all busted. Well, Frank went from supporting this to denying it in just one year. After it failed, he blamed conservatives on pushing it and then began talking about how he’d actually been pushing rentals. We have video evidence that he absolutely did not push rentals and did exactly what he blamed the conservatives on (matter of fact this isn’t even a conservative idea, to be honest). You can look this all up.

With all this said, I do not hate Democrats and never have and never will. The radical left is terrifying, but I believe people are misinformed, and that’s why I do what I do.

1 up, 4y,
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But what about Reagan wasn't he a good president
4 ups, 4y,
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He was a decent President; I'm not gonna trash him. The GOP was far better in the hands of the Reagan-Bush-McCain-Romney set.

Here I'm talking about Democratic presidents specifically, since the meme takes aim at Democrats and there's a weird right-wing mythology that the Democratic Party hates America and has never done anything for our country.
2 ups, 4y
The pre Obama Democratic Party may have loced their country however misguided they were, but ever since the great divider the hate America club has grown. What do you expect from a team whose First Lady said for the first time in her life she was proud of her country.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
Are you kidding? REAGAN?
1 up, 4y,
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Not my favorite President, but the OP meme’s about him so

My point today is that Reagan would be a moderate in today’s Republican Party, for the basic crimes of working with Democrats, standing up to Russia, caring about the world, accepting the results of elections, etc etc.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
Guy, right now, this very second, on one of the Showtime channels is the 3rd in the series, "The Reagans."
As someone who lived through it (as opposed to someone born a decade after and is going to nevertheless pretend he can lecture actual witnesses from the era on it), I'd suggest you watch it and the rest.

Oh, an skip your cute Left vs Right charts and cherry picking to fit your narrative.
Trump has very deliberately used Reagan as a template, there are reasons why. He's basically like Reagan on, well, the drug epidemic Ronald initiated and the one exempted by Nancy's "Just Say Smoke" campaign, crack.

Not as bad as Trump, but Trump would never have happened if it wasn't for Reagan and also Newt Gingrich.
1 up, 4y,
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There are some parallels between Trump and Reagan, but I think the differences outweigh the similarities. In addition to the things I mentioned, Trump would never get on national TV and offer even the barest hint of an apology for any of the scandals that have consumed his Administration, which Reagan to his credit did when Iran-Contra was exposed.

There’s a reason all the Republicans running in ‘08 and ‘12 constantly invoked and jockeyed for the mantle of “heir to Reagan,” and now they no longer do. Trump has overturned Reaganism and replaced it with something even worse.

To really understand Trump, we have to dig even farther back in our history to a time neither of us lived through or were old enough to necessarily remember well.

Trump is a little bit of Richard Nixon gangsterism and skulduggery, George Wallace explicit racism, Barry Goldwater isolationism, Andrew Johnson obstinacy and knownothingism, Andrew Jackson populism and disregard for law, all wrapped up and tied in a bow with the rage and fury of them all.

Some of those idiots gained power, some of them didn’t. But they’re all pretty universally regarded as the worst Presidents and Presidential contenders in our nation’s history.

Trump never breathes their names for this reason, and for the simple reason he doesn’t know American history and even if he did, knows his base doesn’t know or care either.

Nevertheless, MAGA is a dark undercurrent of American politics that has been with us ever since Andrew Jackson defeated the “establishment candidate” John Quincy Adams in 1828.

In my opinion.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Reagan ''is a little bit of Richard Nixon gangsterism and skulduggery, George Wallace explicit racism, Barry Goldwater isolationism, Andrew Johnson obstinacy and knownothingism, Andrew Jackson populism and disregard for law, all wrapped up and tied in a bow with the rage and fury of them all.''

There, fixed it fer ya.

Just what part of making secret deals with the Ayatollah Khomeini to hold the American hostages till he got inaugurated, selling them arms for years while we had sanctions against them, transporting and selling more cocaine than anyone in history - starting the crack epidemic - to buy guns to sell to Iran to buy more guns with the proceeds to sell to Nicaraguan terrorists to buy more cocaine and repeat did you not come across in your delightful browsing of Wikipedia?

If that ain't gangster, child, dafuq you think is? Not enough knownothingism in that pile for ya?
His 'apology' which admitted nothing other than he was a senile idiot oblivious to what was done out of his office with his signature on it was after months of pressure and a huuuuuuuuuuge pile of egg on his deeply creviced face. Kinda not reminds of Trump's pardons for the Trumps for not having committed crimes much?

''Thessssse freeeeedom fighterrrrrs'' - Google.

Also Google ''Welfare Queens,'' and no, that ain't a Trump dog whistle. It's of a somewhat earlier vintage.
- that lead to tens of thousads rendered homeless, including many mentally ill and a heap of veterans. But it was ok, cuz it wuz them cuty darkies, weren't it?

Memory has left those time somewhat sunnier than they were.

Despite them, however, we also thought we were on the brink of - you guessed it, civil war, a racial civil war, one with the burning 60s and 70s practically INSIDE the rear view window.
Class war, culture war, ye olde tropes, cept it was the Moral Majority, the Bible Belt vs the Northern Urbans instead of the Red States vs Blue that were gonna toss the first bullet into that ring.

Every US President starts off isolationist. Every. single. one. That never lasts long, although in Cowboy Ronny's case, in was big bad Grenada and two camels in Qaddafi's home the Colonal wasn't at to flex Reagan's talk-loudly-swing-a-big-dick muscle.

One difference - sorta - is the Russia thang. Except the USSR is no longer coming, and China has taken its place. Big whoop dee dee.

Like I said, do a little looking into this that's beyond a Wiki copypaste.
0 ups, 4y
I don’t disagree, and thank you for adding detail.

Reagan Republicanism was a dastardly invention that pretty well set the entire country on a neoliberal path of domestic heartlessness and foreign aggression for the next several decades. Certainly Bill Clinton with his “triangulation” and crime bills governed rather more like a Reagan than a JFK or LBJ.

Arguably, the only time we saw a real reversal of Reaganism was in the first two years of Obama’s term when there was unified Democratic control and an attempt to pass some major legislation (Obamacare) that would truly help average people. But then came the shellacking of the 2010 midterms and the Tea Party which in retrospect can be marked as the birth of proto-Trumpism.

Even so...

It would never occur to Reagan to go to the lengths of Trump to demonize political opponents, tear down the entire edifice of a competent federal government, and undermine the election process itself. I don’t intend to excuse Iran-Contra, merely point out that Reagan at least did the bare minimum to atone for the scandal by acknowledging it happened and apologizing for it.

So, if a modern-day Trumptard wants to try to quote Reagan in support of domestic insurrectionism because of butthurt over a lost election then I will absolutely throw Reagan’s words right back at them.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
Can you dumb that down I don't understand
2 ups, 4y

1 up, 4y
Reagan was arguably one of the best we’ve ever had imao
11 ups, 4y,
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6 ups, 4y,
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They support those that hate the country therefore they are complicit and guilty as well. This is plain Democratic logic directed back at them.
3 ups, 4y,
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they love the country, they hate how it is being run right now. not supporting trump is not hating america.
3 ups, 4y,
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Not supporting your country and denouncing it as evil and spitting on, burning and destroying its symbols does make you anti American.
3 ups, 4y
not everyone burns flags, yes people do, and that is anti american. kneeling is not anti american. not likeing trump is not anti american. i love america, not how it is now
5 ups, 4y
4 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Yeah we lump them in with the rioters so we can say the democrats are "mostly peaceful".
8 ups, 4y,
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8 ups, 4y,
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Those of your ilk already do. Every non democrat on here has been called a Nazi, racist, fascist blah blah blah. Don’t complain, for your own guilt is hypocrisy.
5 ups, 4y,
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The only traitor here is you!
4 ups, 4y,
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Said the supporter of destruction and devastation. The supporter of criminals over police and symbols of communism over freedom. That makes you the traitor lefty
5 ups, 4y,
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5 ups, 4y,
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You e. Even asleep the last four years then
3 ups, 4y
Nope. Trump inherited a great economy and tanked it, just like with his daddy's doh.
2 ups, 4y,
3 replies
LOL. BLM doesn't even support Joe Biden. You support trump, a fascist and racist monster with no respect to MY country you Australian wanker!
4 ups, 4y,
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Trump is not a fascist...a fascist by definition cannot control the U.S. Please quit using this 'woke' dog whistle word when it suits you.
4 ups, 4y,
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Trump is a fscist. Period.
4 ups, 4y
Prove it.
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Since you are so disrespectful of our POTUS, I feel you deserve this meme, SD. I won't post it in the future if you choose to change your name. Otherwise, when I run across you in a thread, you will be getting it again.
1 up, 4y
Trump might be your idol, not mine, Shitspin.

Feel free to post that..."meme" as often as you can so everyone can identify your shitspinning on the spot.

P.S.: even Stormy Daniels said that Trumps dick looks like a small mushroom...and she should know, huh?
0 ups, 4y,
2 replies
If Trump really is a fascist, show me some evidence. With links. I'll wait.
0 ups, 4y
I said "WITH LINKS". Your pictures don't have links.
2 ups, 4y,
5 replies
Wrong. He's a fascist!
5 ups, 4y,
2 replies
Seems like your the one with fascist tendencies. An angry little Brit liberal who wants everyone to think like she does and do what she says. Yup little fascist tyrant is you.
4 ups, 4y
Oh just look at you with your surface personal negatives on me. I'm so hurt I may go cry now.

I know it's completely foreign to you but maybe you should spend some time studying the difference between nationalism and patriotism and stop your arm chair diagnoses regarding things you have no knowledge of.
0 ups, 4y
Nope. It's you.

British? Haha. Vagabondsouffle has been punked and now goes around screeching that I'm foreign. Guy couldn't tell the difference between me and a 19 year old girl living in China. Sad really...
5 ups, 4y,
3 replies
Prove it. Show me how his actions in office made him a fascist.

The fact is that Congress holds two key powers necessary to a 'fascist' dictatorship: only Congress can spend money, and only Congress can pass legislation.
2 ups, 4y
Don't bother with vaga. He's still upset I'm not a 19 year old teenage girl...
3 ups, 4y
Definition: Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

1) Is he far-right? Does who are vote for him so yes.
2) Is he an authoritarion? He already said his powers should be absolute.
3) Is he an ultra-nationalist? Hugging the flag and saying America first.
4) Is he a dictator? No because the Founding Fathers shaped our government to prevent one. However a second term could've made him one.
5) does he want to surpress the opposition? He called the democrats treasonous for not clapping during his SOTU, had protesters beat up for a dumb photo and approved protesters being taking of the streets by unmarked troops.
6) does he want a strong regimentation of society and economy? He clearly wants the US to go back to the 50's where everyone 'knew their place' and has done big favors for the super rich and wants to control American companies.

Is trump a fascist? 5-1 yes!
2 ups, 4y
JAYFFFKAY, AKA MadKitten, knows all about Fascism. She's an avowed neo-Nazi wannabe, having had alts named FuhrerAdolfHitler and FutureAdolfHitler in the past and also having an extensive collection of Nazi memorabilia, chiefly plastic replicas bought on eBay.

Oh, and she's British.
3 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Anyone who knows history sees a flying American flag w/Trump flag as a fascist symbol. What's really surprising here is that so many Americans are completely oblivious to the difference between patriotism and nationalism. Nationalism has fascist roots. Nationalism can't be separated from fascism. It's really quite amazing how the flag turned to a fascist symbol under Trump but it did. Blindly believing your country is the greatest without question, not only is a sign of fascism but also will not allow a nation to grow and learn from its mistakes. This ideology is not something a true American patriot wants anything to do with.

Now that Trump and his followers have lost the heart of the nation, nationalism is no longer attached to the American flag. Let's hope it can clean itself from all the negativity.
3 ups, 4y
What’s sad is how you believe that flying the flag is anything but loveunf your country and your nation. You global socialists want to make it a bad thing because it serves your purpose of weakening the bonds that are America. Like all socialist tyrants you want to destroy her history, her traditions and everything that makes her exceptional. You are truly deluded by your woke brainwashing down is up and up is down philosophies.
2 ups, 4y
Wrong your the fascist
0 ups, 4y
Anybody can call him a fascist, but that doesn't mean it's true. Unless you can prove that he really is a fascist by providing me links to reliable sources on the Internet, your claim is mainly based on opinion and therefore null and void.
3 ups, 4y,
2 replies
Haha Australian, okay mate. Your delusional obviously.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
If JAYFFFKAY is calling you Australin, that's hilarious, given that she's British - as witnessed by her spelling ''sense'' as ''sence'' above.

She's formally MadTitan and FuhrerAdolfHitler, both deleted users that can be seen towards the bottom of my meme of graves -

MT is the one who was supposed to be from Clifton NJ coming to get me one day, and also above that, kissing my butt and profusely apologizing at a later time.
1 up, 4y

Oooh shucks mcgee...that proves vagac**tboublé is Canadian!
1 up, 4y
he really is
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
2 ups, 4y,
2 replies
You mean *sence*
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
im a minor
0 ups, 4y
Who cares.
0 ups, 4y,
2 replies

You mean *sence*"


"sence" is British, m8.
1 up, 4y
bruh what's your evidence he's a British troll
1 up, 4y
Sure it's not...Serbian?
3 ups, 4y
There's only one kind of guilt a Democrat is capable of feeling, White guilt.
4 ups, 4y
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