"There are good people on both sides," he was right, there are good people on both sides, he didn't say all of them were good people, what the blue lives matter people were protesting for is correct, police do matter, the people saying “Black lives matter to no one,” is an example of the bad people on that side. The quote is Stand back and stand by" and he said that to the Proud Boys which is a group of bad people, and they obliged, but trump still continues to condemn them, it doesn't matter what people are on whoever's side, all that matters is the intention of the people leading them. "Don't put your hand on their head, you don't need to do that anymore" is actually a quote i couldn't find but i found something close to it, and that shows that he hates criminals, which is understandable. "I'll pay your lawyer fee's" that guy is one of those people that both sides have, you know, the sort of crazy over it ones, on the news, someone asked, "are you going to pay for his legal fees if he needs it?" Trump said that he was having people look into it, he doesn't want someone to lose a lot of money just because they elbowed someone. "That was nice the way he went down," there was actually nothing for that quote, if you could show me a link, im sure i could disprove it