They're not socialist. But their level of govt control over its citizens' lives is considerably greater than what we have here, so they're much closer to being socialist than we are, at least for now.
I don't think the so called Nordic model would work in the US. The key difference between Norway an the US is obviously population. I'd be interested to know how those who advocate implementation of the Nordic model, or something similar, would scale it up to be effective and efficient, in the US.
People are different in different countries. What the people in one country will accept in terms of govt control won't be accepted in other countries. Take health care as an example, since that's such a contentious issue here in the US. Total govt control of health care means govt mandates on how much people in the medical field can earn, and what treatments are allowed. That will not fly here.
Plus, the people here who claim health care is a right, are just wrong. Nobody has a right to the goods and services of other human beings. That doesn't mean that I believe people should go without health care. Our constitution says our govt was formed in part, to promote the general welfare. A sick populace is not having its general welfare promoted. We just need to come up with an American way to ensure that most, if not all, are able to access quality health care.
And taxes? The Norwegian govt taxes "high" incomes at 50% (not sure if that's changed recently or not) and also taxes employers at 60% of the employee's earnings. Simply put, for someone making the equivalent of $100K in US dollars, the Norwegian govt gets $110K in taxes. Not a bad setup for the govt, right?
So, what do they do with all that money? One thing they do us spend it responsibly. The benefits their citizens get for things like maternal and paternal leave are incredible. Even their health care system is efficiently run and effective, despite the red flags I mentioned earlier if it were to be tried here. Both parties in the US spend money like drunken sailors on shore leave every chance they get. If I believed that our leaders were in any way, and I mean ANY way, fiscally responsible, I'd be more inclined to support giving a US version of the Nordic model a try. Until then, not a chance. Our debt is out of control as it is. Giving our govt (either party) a significantly greater amount of money to spend would be nothing short of a recipe for disaster, imo.