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Thanksgiving 2020

Thanksgiving 2020 | image tagged in thanksgiving,covid,fauci,lockdown,john f kennedy,donald trump | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1,712 views 10 upvotes Made by EyewitlessNews 4 years ago in politics
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Jared Polis, proudly ignoring voter's wishes | THIS GUY SAYS THAT YOU SHOULD HAVE STARTED SELF QUARANTINE NOVEMBER 12TH IF YOU WANT TO SEE YOUR OWN FAMILY ON THANKSGIVING | image tagged in jared polis proudly ignoring voter's wishes | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Fascist once again taking way more power than their respective governments ever dreamed of giving them.
2 ups, 4y
They had us in the first half | DIDN'T GET IT TILL THE SECOND LOOK, NOT GONNA LIE | image tagged in they had us in the first half | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
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Kylie X doubt with face mask | image tagged in kylie x doubt with face mask | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Lol gathering is too large & only 1 face mask
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a) no such thing as too large of a gathering for a little virus that won't even kill the average person and b) masks should be a choice, not a mandate. I thought all the libs were pro choice.
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Indeed, the average person won’t die from a Covid infection.

And yet: on average, it kills people. A lot of people!

A lot of people aren’t average.

Assuming a death rate of 1%, if everyone in the U.S. (population: 328 million) catches it, then that’s approximately 3.28 million deaths

Does that concern you or nah?
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More concerning is your need to impose your fears on the entire population at the expense of their rights. Those are easily surrendered by the weak. It’s always they people who have no family to be around that want this stuff. Too bad no more than 3 people want to spend time with you. I can certainly see why though.
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I swear, the more Americans succumb to this illness, the more deranged and convoluted the conservative justifications for not taking it seriously become.

No family to be around? Seriously? Good lord

Wife & I mask up and take the usual everyday social distancing precautions so that we **can** see some of our extended family on a semi-frequent basis, without exposing them. And those family members take the same precautions in their daily lives so they’re at less risk of infecting us.

Because we like social distancing? No: We’re as sick of all these restrictions as anybody. We all want to get “back to normal.” But with the virus more prevalent than ever in communities it’s just not quite time to do that yet.

We keep doing this because we care about each other. This also has the side-effect of keeping any perfect strangers we encounter while out and about at maximum safety.

Do you see how that works?

Pfizer recently announced a very promising vaccine and Trump reiterated that in a Presidential announcement last Friday. Fauci predicts we can get back to mostly normal by about next April.

But in the intervening months the skyrocketing infection rates and already-strained hospital resources could overwhelm the country and lead to another few hundred thousand deaths before the vaccine is widely available.

Now is not the time to give up. Now is the time to “swim to the wall,” as they say.
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Do You and the wifey wear your mask when you sleep? Do You sleep in the same bed? Why not. Your fear doesn’t control everyone. You be fearful and hide. Stay in lockdown and wear your magic mask if you want to. Especially if you are a scared fat old f**k. You do you you fascist dictatorial dummy. I would support all scared fat old f**ks over 50 staying home. Give them a check even, isolate them whatever. The millennials support putting them to death as long as they are Republicans anyway.

Masks aren’t going to cure it, washing hands, don’t touch your face, avoiding large crowds and sick people staying at home is the best defense.
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You’ve proposed some common sense and even astonishingly socialist solutions yourself (e.g. cutting a check to at-risk people over 50), albeit with a lot of unnecessary vitriol, so that’s something.

But you’re unreasonably skeptical of face masks. They’re the cheapest and least socially costly tool in our kit and it’s not even close.

And yeah, they work.
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I have no problem with face mask recommendations. I have a problem with conformity laws. I have a problem attacking people with breathing issues because they don’t have one. I have doubts that they work as well as you say. It doesn't appear to be true. People with masks contract it and die at no less a rate than those who do t wear a mask. Washing hands, not touching your face, and avoiding exposure to large numbers of strangers. Understand when you may have been exposed and self quarantine if you show symptoms. Those are the real defenses to a virus.
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Well we agree on those other basic precautions at least
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Looks like another WH super spreader event.
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You novels Encourage limiting parties since they aren’t invited and no one wants to spend time with them. Enjoy you Thanksgiving Loner.
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"We are in the middle of a world wide pandemic"

Those words need to frame every decision we make right now. You want your freedom? Mask up so that we can continue working and save our economy.

It is people like you who are tanking us right now. Super spreader event after super spreader event, overwhelming our hospitals and medical people. You don't care because most of you don't have insurance or are on medicaid/medicare.
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😆 yes only Republican events are super spreader events. Protests and victory celebrations and other mass gatherings aren’t right. GTFO lying hypocrite. You wear your magic mask and you are safe right. These things come in waves chicken little. Check up on the history of pandemics. Europe is the model for mask wearing. Yet still a surge? Keep your hyper fear to yourself. You must be a fat old man with diabetes to be so terrified. Stay at home, wash your hands, don’t touch your face, avoid crowds, and cross your fingers.
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People who are not wearing masks and walking around in public are taking freedom away from Americans and American businesses, whether they are protesting, having victory celebrations or Rump rally's. They are all the same, irresponsible.

Masks aren't about protecting yourself, they are about protecting others. I know thinking about others is a completely foreign concept to any Trump voter so this is a difficult concept for you to understand.
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Wait what do you mean? I thought we all got to have control Over our bodies. Isn’t that what you guys preach. It’s a woman’s right to choose ignoring the baby’s rights. Don’t tell women what to do with their bodies. Don’t make them use birth control to prevent the death of their unwanted fetus. Hypocrisy defines the left. Keep the government off my body.
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You're not listening.

This would be like a woman, forcing another woman have an abortion.

You don't have the right to not wear a mask and infect a stranger, who goes home and infects their parent, who then dies after infecting 5 more at the nursing home.

Again, you are taking away the freedoms of all Americans by prolonging this epidemic, making it worse, infecting more people, forcing more businesses to close, just so your poor little snowflake ass doesn't have to wear a widdle mask.
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You mean you want a law about masks but not about condoms. If you make it a law to wear a condom to have sex I’ll start wearing a magic mask. They’re both about saving Lives aren’t they?
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I can understand your confusion between your own health/safety and that of others. That's one of the primary issues found with those with TDS. Again, people wear a mask not for themselves but for others.

Thinking of others is a completely foreign concept to a Trump supporter. You ideology of the orange man is contributing to the increase in covid cases and all the problems it is causing us. There are other people out there beyond you.
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No see your confusion is that your fears shouldn’t control other peoples actions. We shouldn’t have to stay at home because you are a terrified little girl or an old fat guy over 50. If I’m afraid of heights it’s not necessary to eliminate ladders to make me feel safe. Or ban swimming pools because you can’t swim. Wear your magic mask and stay in your house mouse.
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No one is asking you to stay home. Decent people are asking and expecting you to be decent as well when you go out in society, our "social society" we all depend upon/use in one way or another, and do the right thing to protect people who might die if they catch the virus but must also go out occasionally.

By the way, it's been proven that fear is a primary driver on the right, not on the left.
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You will use the red herring of a “red state” bailout to distract from what a federal bailout of states truly looks like — a redistribution of tax dollars from taxpayers in responsible states to states that refused to make hard choices during the good times.

Statistical differences in federal income taxation and welfare policy is not a bailout. Pumping federal cash into spendthrift states to rescue them from underwater pensions and backlogged debt service is. So ya it’s still a blue state debt burden bailout. It’s why Pelosi is holding up the stimulus until she can get it.
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Who said anything about bailouts?

Year over year, (before any pandemic) red states fed from the gov teet at a rate much higher on average than blue states. Blue states subsidize red states nationwide and have been doing so for years!
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The main reason for any imbalance is that those places are home to some of the highest household incomes in the country. Therefore, they pay more in federal taxes, which doesn't necessarily equate to more federal money for services. In other words the more well off are responsible for the imbalance were they give much more in taxes than they get in return and that skews the number. It doesn’t mean the masses in blue states take less. Also federal spending policy and deficit spending works under its own process and as projects end or are begun the input output variance changes.

This is to say nothing of the personal imbalance aid say a single person with no children who doesn’t own a car yet their taxes go to such things as schools and DMV costs. Their federal return to input ratio is very low.
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So you are too simple to understand that big tech democrats make vast sums of money and get taxed for it. In California Super millionaires abound and yet they are not a donor state. In other words they get back about what they give, they don’t subsidize anybody.
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California is in fact a donor state. Sorry to burst your bubble.

You guys always bitch about CA when in fact without states like it, you bayou boys would have to downsize your fishin boats.
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You’re data is out of date

As for blue states allegedly getting back less, what numbers are they looking at? It is true that red states receive 35.75% on average of their budgets from the federal government. Blue states receive only 30.80%. But the blue states get a lower percentage because their total budgets are far larger due to all the bloat and waste. The 10 states in the best fiscal condition are almost all red states. The 10 states in the worst condition are almost all blue.

Kyle Sammin at The Federalist found that if you look at the amount of money the federal government gives to states on a per capita basis instead, blue states get more; $2,124 per resident. Red states receive just $1,879 on average

Sorry, I live in California not the bayou. That’s just your prejudice showing.
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No one is asking you to stay home.

You aren’t aware of the curfews they are about to implement? How about the great Covid 19 reset Trudeau described as a great opportunity. Yes he said Covid presented a great opportunity to reset global society.

The left has no fear?Maybe thats because they are stupid. Ignorance is bliss. Stupid people don’t have fear and believe sacrificing their rights isn’t a problem. They think socialism is good because they can’t figure out what happens when the handouts run out.
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Did I say the left has no fear? No, I did not.

Red states feed from the gov teet at a rate three times that of blue states. Blue states pay huge amounts of taxes. That whole analogy of the left wanting handouts is bs.
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