That's some high level specious liberal logic there, KF.
At least you wrapped it up with some liberal consistency... the crazy non-starter notion that reparations be paid from the general fund. You do realize what that means, right? Many who would receive reparations will have also contributed to the general fund by way of paying taxes, so they're paying themselves reparations. Liberal logic indeed.
I would imagine that those of my ancestors who suffered a fair amount of institutional racism for being Irish, yet still found it within themselves to fight and die for the North during the Civil War, might feel the entire notion of reparations ridiculous. Or, they might not. Since they're dead and probably don't care any more, it's hard for me to say. Or perhaps due to their suffering and fighting to free slaves, maybe they'd feel that their descendants should get a discount when it comes to reparations... hmmm, what would be fair discount? 5%, 20%, 45% off the going rate?
I think what we've got is a situation where a broad solution like throwing money at this situation, just won't work. People simply won't stand for it because they do not responsible, because they are not.
Here's a crazy idea; maybe you specifically, along with your other SJW comrades in arms, need to determine precisely whose ancestors were actually responsible, and to what degree, and make them pay on a sliding scale. This would include all the KKK members, racists / bigots, etc., post-reconstruction. It's certainly not fair for everyone to pay, no matter how much liberal logic you try to apply. What if you're mixed?
Let me ask you about these reparations. If they are paid, will you and your comrade SJWs, and others finally stfu? Will money do it? Or are we still going to have to put up with our cities burning and businesses destroyed because of slavery, white privilege, and institutional racism? What will it take?
I can say that the Black people in my family would most likely turn down any reparations, since accepting them would mean they formally accept the label of victim, which they absolutely do not.
Why not take a more sensible approach? One that even liberals might agree will work, whatever that may be. I say yes, because the typical liberal approach to problem solving, i.e. throwing money at a problem, surely won't get the job done in this case, any more than it did all the other times we felt the urge to flush money down the toilet.