Can you imagine footage of that killing? Oh wait, no MSM would broadcast it, especially as it was a somali cop and a white woman. She was shot approaching a police car, with no weapon and no aggression, having committed no crime, totally unprovoked, causes zero national interest, and no racial outrage, yet an alleged criminal, resisting arrest, with a normally lethal dose of fentayl, who said he couldn't breathe before being kneeled on, with a 90 % blocked right artery and a 75% left artery who the coroner said died of a heart attack with no bruises on his neck, dies and it's world news, police are labelled as evil and to be abolished by dem politicians and causes billions of dollars of damage, many are murdered in riots, the murder rate goes through the roof in NY and Chicago and a short lived new country, chas, emerges in the middle of Seattle.
Weird, huh?