depends on how you do it...
- it was fairly early on that 'Drive thru"/Off sale alcohol purchases were ok'd (w/ a food purchase)... so the Purchase orders wouldn't be completely wiped out
add in Sams/Costco membership (plenty of small bars already used them for food items) and a friend or two with accounts as well, and you could easily Mask 50-75% of your stock purchases...
and if your patrons are smart enough to "Not Talk about Booze Club" you don't need to purchase same volume as you did Pre-Rona...
- and not to imply they'd short their clients but you can get some extra mileage out of diluting/making them slightly weaker
* remember a lot of today's Cocktails were invented or evolved from Prohibition era practices to stretch the hooch, and cover up poor quality (possibly lethal) of the Bootleg shine...