The point with coffee is that you have to learn to appreciate it. My first cup of coffee was also disgusting, and now I can't imagine my day without coffee. I've been awhile without a good coffee making machine... damn... that was major hell!
I do like it... But I don't drink any coffee anymore because it gave me migranes whenever I didn't drink any. The weekends were horrible. It just wasn't worth it. So I stopped. A while after that I tried to have just one cup and the day after I immediately had a migrane again. So, I guess I'll never have any more coffee.
Love it, but I'm trying to quit.
If you're used to having caffeine every day and skip one,
you get the worst headache that creeps in really slowly,
gets worse & worse throughout the day.
I hear you. I just recently found out how bad caffeine is for
your heart & nervous system so I'm reducing the amount by
a little each week to avoid the headache.
I'd just like to get to a point where I don't have to have it every day.