He said immigrants from Africa and Haiti come from “shithole countries” - How does that make him racist? They most definitely do come from underdeveloped countries. It’s not racist to call out underdevelopment in a country.
He asked a Korean-American intelligence analyst where “your people” are from, and implied that her ethnic background should determine her job - Languages, dude. It’s not racist to suggest a Korean person to work with US negotiations with North Korea. He’s trying to get all the help he can get.
He took more than 48 hours to denounce the white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia - oh noooooooo so racist. Waiting 2 whole days? My gosh! WACIST. The problem here is your impatience. Not Trump’s wait.
Some of his top advisers and Cabinet picks have histories of prejudice - mentions a guy who worked for a “rightist” news website. I guess that automatically makes it racist. It also mentions a guy who says, “fear of Muslims is rational.” Islam isn’t a race bro. And yes it’s rational.
He denied responsibility for the racist incidents that followed his election - If he took responsibility, you would still claim he’s racist. It’s a lose-lose situation in his case from you.
He launched a travel ban targeting Muslims - Islam isn’t a race, bro.
He attacked Muslim Gold Star parents - Islam isn’t a race, bro.
He claimed a judge was biased because “he’s a Mexican” - obviously a Mexican judge is going to be biased against building a wall. It would be unfair. It would be fair to make him part of the jury or a defendant.
The Justice Department sued his company ― twice ― for not renting to black people - that’s somebody else calling him racist. Not him being racist.
In fact, discrimination against black people has been a pattern throughout Trump’s career - Ever won an award from Rosa Parks and Mohamed Ali for contributing to inner-city black youths? Cuz Trump did.
He refused to immediately condemn the white supremacists who advocated for him - again, this is IMPATIENCE. It’s not him being racist.
He questioned whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States - and this is racist... how?
He treats racial groups as monoliths - that means he refers to blacks and “the blacks.” SO WHAT?
He trashed Native Americans, too - he thought a Native American tribe looked different from what they normally look like. It’s like seeing America play soccer after watching a bunch of European countries playing it.