If "he wants the best for our country" is the definition of patriotism, then what that means is incredibly hazy, to the point of being a matter of mere opinion based on what "the best" is for you. For example: He seems to want the US to be a world leader without being dependent upon the rest of the world for anything or considering other nations' competing needs when making decisions. If you think this is what's best for the country, then he qualifies as a patriot in your opinion. If you think what's best is for the US to be a world leader through cooperation and partnership with other nations, then he does not qualify as a patriot in your opinion.
Either that, or anyone who wants the best for the nation is a patriot, regardless of how they define what "the best" is. If that's the case, then the bar for patriotism is incredibly low, and he qualifies, as does Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Bernie Sanders, Steve King, and every other person in government who isn't a willing foreign agent. Hell, David Duke and Bill Ayers would qualify as patriots - all you have to do is be an American and have a desire to see the country advance in a direction that you define as "the best" direction the country should go.
Again, you can support someone who is disrespectful. A person who is disrespectful can be patriotic, and can do great things for the nation as president. I'm just incredibly weary of the language Trump supporters use to describe him, as though he's some paragon of virtue or infallible saint. We all know he's not.
He's an asshole. He's cultivated his "asshole who speaks his mind whether you like it or not" brand for decades. The fact that he's the President doesn't make his behavior suddenly respectful, or even appropriate. You support him because you believe he's the best person to take on a corrupt establishment, cool. Awesome. You do you. Just stop idealizing and/or idolizing him