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NewfoundlandMan (85909)
Joined 2020-02-22
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Paint your pallet blue and gray (and red). Submission suggested by VinceVance (Gogh) in fun
0 ups, 4y
How's she goin' buddy? :) Sorry for the extremely slow reply! We're still alive and kickin' here in Newfoundland and hope that all is well with you out there on the west coast. I sure can't remember The Muppets being part of the first season of SNL...I'm gonna have to google that when I get a chance. You've got me remembering Alice Cooper's appearance on The Muppet Show...I wish that Alice was here for a Halloween concert (sigh) maybe someday! :)

Are ya watching the World Series? I am really enjoying it...loads of home runs and close games...I really don't care who wins as long as the series goes 7 games! :) My best friend and I were sitting in his "men's den" garage last weekend watching a doc on past World Series games...Reggie Jackson was one of my favs (Mr. October) playing for The A's and The that was "baseball"! :)

Have you cast your ballot already in the upcoming election? If Sleepy Joe wins I'm just hoping that Donald accepts defeat, and tweets "I'M FIRED!"...then grabs his entire family and helicopters off for exile in Russia Russia Russia! LOL! It's gonna be an interesting 9 days for sure! :) Well ciao for now my friend! Have a safe and happy week and chat soon! :)
Paint your pallet blue and gray (and red). Submission suggested by VinceVance (Gogh) in fun
1 up, 4y
made w/ Imgflip meme maker
LOL! I loved Emily Litella's appearances on the old SNL! I haven't got my Photoshop replacement figured out yet but I did find the attached meme on the net and thought it was cute! :) I fell asleep during last night's hockey game only to wake up to the Tampa Bay team kissing the Stanley Cup...that's gotta be against COVID regulations! LOL! Now that's all over, I hear that the baseball playoffs start tonight and our Blue Jays are playing the Rays...another team from Tampa Bay...Go Jays! :)

I am PVRing tonight's Trump/Biden debate tonight just in case I doze's supposed to be the most watched Presidential debate ever...I am sure that it will be quite entertaining! :) I'm just wondering will Joe appear on stage wearing a mask just to piss Donald off! LOL!

A couple of my friends love watching Ozark (and Fargo) on Netflix so I have added both to "my list"...I'm off on holiday all week so maybe I will start watching Ozark. Good to hear that your wildfires have calmed down and you can "Breathe, breathe in the air" once again! :) It's been "Sunny Days" here for the past week and the weather's supposed to be warm and sunny for the next few days...I will take it! :) Enjoy tonight's debate (if you watch it) might wanna crack open that keg of Hazealicious just to help ya get through it! LOL! Take care my friend! :)
Paint your pallet blue and gray (and red). Submission suggested by VinceVance (Gogh) in fun
1 up, 4y
made w/ Imgflip meme maker
LOL! Forrest Gump Worsley is excellent! Could have been part of the movie! LOL! Thanks for the tip regarding Photolayers. I haven't found much free stuff on the net but I do have a bunch of old discs that may have a program I could use...I will find something! :)
Yeah, go Dallas go...In memory of Lorne Worsley! :) I would like to see the finals go 7 games just for something to watch on if Baseball, Football, Basketball, Soccer, Tennis and Golf weren't enough! LOL!

I just happened to flick on The Emmy Awards last night to see "Schitt's Creek" fill up the first hour with a sweep of all 7 awards for a comedy series...Jimmy Kimmel commented that "we should have built a Northern wall" LOL! Have you ever seen the show? It's been on for 6 seasons (80 episodes) and I have only seen bits and pieces. I think that it's on Netflix so I must add it to the list of dozens of shows that I probably won't have time to watch! LOL!

Another day, another dollar! How's the wildfires over there? I hope that Wilson ain't on a hot tin roof! :) Avoid the purple haze and have a great day my friend! :)
Paint your pallet blue and gray (and red). Submission suggested by VinceVance (Gogh) in fun
1 up, 4y
made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Good Labour Day Long Weekend Monday west coast! :) Man, it's gonna be another warm and sunny day here...we have had one helluva nice summer weather wise...makes up for that crappy old virus! :) I lucked into a bone-in 2 lb. prime rib roast yesterday that was mislabeled at half the sale price (sale price was $10/lb.) now I just have to figure out how to saw her in half and throw a steak on the barbie this afternoon! LOL!

Wuv the Kwaken hockey meme! LOL! I can't create memes anymore because I've been using illegal copies of CorelDraw and Photoshop for years and all of a sudden those companies are cracking down, making programs unusable and instructing you to buy a legit copy online! Shag that shite! LOL! Any idea how I could download "similar" programs for free? Anything even faintly resembling Photoshop would be excellent! :)

I was hoping that The Flyers were gonna win too...and with no Canadian team left alive, I have no team to cheer for...I always like the old Minnesota North Stars so I think I'll cheer for Dallas! :) How I wish that I still had my old shoe box full of hockey cards...see attached pic...Gump looks pissed off...must be close to retirement! LOL! Take care and have a great holiday yourself! :)
Paint your pallet blue and gray (and red). Submission suggested by VinceVance (Gogh) in fun
1 up, 5y
made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Hey what's Kraken' on this Bad Photoshop Sunday? LOL! Love the Homer Kraken should be selling that one! :) I think that the Bruins and Flyers are still in it...with all these postponements I am getting confused! As a Canadian I would love to see Vancouver and Boston in the Stanley Cup...if that match-up is even possible! :) I am enjoying watching the games and find that the broadcasts have hyped up a bit more with lotsa "fan reaction" noise and background rock music...who needs human fans? LOL!

Yesterday was my brother and wife's (Des and Sandy) 50th. Wedding Anniversary and as their 9 year old ring-bearer I am amazed at the flashbacks I can remember from way back when...also reminds me how friggin' old I am! LOL! I can remember dancing to "Red Red Wine" with the "flower girl" (Jeanette)...I still have a crush on her! :)

We're supposed to get the remnants of Hurricane Laura today but so far so good...we need rain but we don't need no stinkin' hurricane! Have a great Sunday my friend, stay safe and enjoy the hockey on TV today...if there's any to be seen! :) Cheers!