Unlike the f**king insane liberals, I never waited EIGHT F**KING YEARS for that incompetent bumblef**k Obama to accomplish anything. I knew he wasn't capable of it. All one had to do was READ his f**king biography - you know, the one where he admitted to EATING DOGS - and if you had two functioning brain cells to rub together you KNEW he was an incompetent bumblef**k.
For EIGHT F**KING YEARS liberals were : Just you wait until the competent Obama comes riding over the hill !
Year after year after year after year
THEN they actually believed the bullshit the DNC fed them about the competent Obama showing up in the second term. So they voted for the incompetent bumblef**k again, and
year after year after year after year
they told anyone who would listen that - ANY MOMENT NOW !! - the competent Obama was going to rise out of the pumpkin patch if we were sincere enough, and THAT Obama would replace the incompetent bumblef**k that infested the Oval Office for 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 years now.
HAD Obama done anything competent it would have shocked the world.
Obama had EIGHT YEARS to give us a roaring economy and he f**ked that up.
Obama had EIGHT YEARS to defeat our enemies and he f**ked that up.
Obama had EIGHT YEARS to strengthen our allies and he f**ked that up.
Obama f**ked up the Arab Spring.
Obama f**ked up defeating ISIS.
Obama f**ked up the Nuclear Deal with the Mullahs of Iran.
Obama f**ked up ObamaCare.
Obama f**ked up the Bowe Bergdahl swap.
Obama f**ked up Libya.
Obama f**ked up keeping the traitor Bradley Manning behind bars.
Obama f**ked up the Syrian "Red Line".
There wasn't a single thing Obama touched in EIGHT F**KING YEARS that he didn't royally f**k it up. There isn't a single competent thing he did in office, save for leaving it without f**king THAT up.
So no - no Conservative would have been complaining. They simply would have been so shocked Obama did ANYTHING without f**king it up they would have been stunned into silence.