"I realize it is hard for most Americans to realize that a real country exists that hates us all but it is real."
that's not a hard thing to realize when china and russia exist. the thing is, most americans don't want another war when .
"Iran is one of the most terrible places on the plant, **pe is a punishment, gay and Christians are murdered in public and they run weapons, women, children and drugs to pay for their global terror network."
we can't make them stop. we can't stop evil, no matter how much taxpayer money we give the military industrial complex.
"There are radical Islamic training camps in the USA that are teaching children how to fight, not to protect a Mosque but to murder Americans in schools, churches, malls and anywhere else they are found in large groups. "
a war's not gonna stop that. there will always be terrorists, even more so once a war happens and we build enemies.
"Building a wall to keep them out would save us money but the left will not let it be built or admit Iranians sneak in that way. ICE calls them OTM's (Other than Mexicans)"
muh "the left". building a wall, especially across the boarder in that scale, is extremely expensive, inefficient, and would be better off being replaced with a different method of security.