In 2015 there were 638,169 abortions. 75% of those women were low income. That's 478,627 needing government assistance for birth and child care. The average cost of birth in America is $10,800. That's over 5 billion just for birthing.
A single parent can expect to receive up to $35,000 a year in gov assistance, over an above child birth.
1. If abortion is illegal, what is the yearly cost to keep these low income moms home, raising unloved children and the cost of the lost productivity of these women?
2. What is the yearly additional cost in food, hospital care, daycare and housing?
3. What is the long term cost in increased policing, prison space, loss of life, drug use, lifelong welfare?
4. What is the lifelong costs associated with pregnancies women would have chose to terminate due to non-viability/unrealistic life expectations, but are now required by law to have? ie, children hooked up to machines and in permanent lifelong care due to debilitating issues?
1 trillion a year is not unrealistic over the span of 10yrs with no abortion.