Obama spent as much time overseas as many Christian missionaries and their children spend overseas. It actually appears he attended a Catholic school in Indonesia from '68 to '69 (1st, 2nd, part of 3rd grade). Later he attended an Indonesian public school from '70-'71 (4th and 5th grade). Where is the evidence he attended a "Muslim" school? I don't see evidence he attended a Madrasa or other Islamic-oriented school. He moved back to Hawaii in mid-'71 and from 5th-12th grade attended a private high school in the states (Punahou School).
Pointing out the fact he attended public school for 2 years in a majority-Muslim country is perhaps better evidence of latent Islamic beliefs than anything else you've offered so far, but I'd still put it in the "scintilla" category when Obama spent the vast majority of his childhood education in an overseas Catholic school, or a private school in the states. And there's all this other evidence on that he was a Christian in his adult life.
However Obama chose to handle the "birther" attacks, the birthers here were in the wrong factually and so I focus my attention on them.
As for Michelle, I'm thinking in particular of a meme I saw which supposedly revealed a "bulge" in Michelle Obama's crotch area and asked questions about it. I feel confident calling that one transphobic. Ridiculing a woman's "masculine" features isn't automatically transphobic, but that one for sure was, and I've seen other memes stating she is a man in disguise or gender-confused.
It's still transphobic even if Michelle isn't trans herself, because it creates an atmosphere of hostility toward trans people and/or imply being trans is a bad or shameful thing.
Apart from Michelle, here's plenty of transphobic or borderline-transphobic content here on ImgFlip, and one of them hit #1 on "fun" earlier today and appears to be #2 now.