- "Yes, but actually no"... so, YES. and this so called "Primitive biological warfare" was the choice of which ever particular Colony who did it, and NOT a planned collective 'genocide'
- to not consider, or expressly state, the Centuries over which it occurs implies that it was a 'Final solution'/ Extinction level 'event' and not a sustained conflict between differing parties...
- and why are /guns/ some how wrong... was it not just as 'unfair' that some tribes developed superior bows, or developed a better angle to their arrowheads... Just because they look relatively the same from 300 years in the future doesn't mean that they were the same to the people using them...
- to the Aliens... Yes.
* too many of 'White Guilt' assholes would have you believe that when Columbus landed in the 'west indies' (he knew he hadn't found India BTW, and the idea that we call Natives, 'Indians' because of this, is Bovine Scatology) the natives were just lounging around under the 'mother tree' smoking weed and braiding their hair and then 'Whitey' arrived and went all 'James Cameron's Avatar' on them