Hmmmmmmm. We gotta agree to disagree, cancer, heart disease, MS, Lukemia, we do have some pretty great healthcare when it comes to serious illness, I now go to Mazankowski cardio vascular clinic in Edmonton alta, and our childrens hospitals are bang on for serious childhood diseases, which they didn't have in the 80's as to why I went to Mn. What does clog up the system is dummys going for sniffles and sore throats, which is why they now have non urgent care facilities, beurocracy and over management is not helping either. Shortage of nursing staff, brain drain of doctors going elsewhere. Sports clinics are good places for spreins, knees and limbs and fantastic rehab theorapy. My mother just got her clean bill on two cancers after a year and a half battle , so you're gonna be pretty f**kin hard pressed to convince me and millions other that our system does not rock. If people absolutely need it, they'll get it, no hmos, spotty health insurance, pre existing bullshit.