Freedom of speech is a principle, so that worn out argument that public forums are commercial/ private will not bear the argument forever. I understand the legalities, but I refer to the principle. What IS different is the audience exposure. So IS different and while it may not be censorship in the tradition is still a form of it. I may or may not adapt and stay. I have not yet decided. Perhaps you will consider this: if we all continue to divide from one another, there will only be our own groups and the groups will know only their own special brands of closed mindedness which they will seek to indoctrinate others with. This does not foster the free thinking society that thrives with interaction. It denies the process and development of independent consideration each individual needs to become a matured citizen. A mixed forum fosters a learning experience. We can learn how to have some tolerance...consider views which differ from ours, and learn communication skills. We can decide to be open or closed according to our own discretion...instead of others wielding the power of this discretion for us. In short, even with all it's nasty trimmings...I prefer the mixed forum over the segregated. It's just my preference. Thanks for reading.