Kavanaugh's Yale roommate says that he was frequently "incoherently drunk", and that when drunk he was "aggressive and belligerent". If he was so drunk he was blacking out, it is entirely possible that he could've done things when wasted that he doesn't remember. Also, the frat he was in at Yale was called DKE, which had the slogan "No means yes, yes means anal". If that doesn't point to an inherent culture of taking advantage of women, then nothing does.
The second accuser, Deborah Ramirez, gave a description that accurately described the location of the incident, and several students and faculty members at Yale recall Ramirez being distressed at the events that occurred. Similarly, students at Kavanaugh's high school remember hearing about the incident when asked. You have accused all these women of being liars, but has it ever occurred to you that Kavanaugh may be lying?
Also, the death threats were reported by the BBC, The Independent, and Al Jazeera, all of which a foreign sources who have no stake in the outcome of the hearings.