Put those yearly gun murders up against the statistics for the UK, Germany, Australia, NZ, Japan, Korea, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Ireland, Italy and then tell me they look good....
The stats were regarding homicide. Unless accidental deaths were included, training wasn’t an issue. Homicide, compadre, doesn’t happen because of a lack of training. It happens because someone decided, in their dark mind, to end another person’s life.
Oh, and 30 rounds a minute is a pretty bad benchmark; that’s a round every 2 seconds; any semiautomatic firearm can fire at least twice as fast as that without breaking a sweat. Do a little research. The biggest difference between an AR and a “normal” rifle is that one looks mean and the other doesn’t.
Last thing: if you’re going to hand a kid ANY gun without proper training first, yeah, that’s a recipe for disaster. So how does that affect homicide rates again?