My first experience with racism (that I'm aware of as such) was in the 1970s when I was 8.
We had moved, and at the public school I started in, I was one of 3 'white' kids in my class, something the rest - which was 'black' - harrassed us for constantly.
By week's end having found out my mother was from Puerto Rico, those same white-hating kids said I was alright, because suddenly I wasn't 'white.'
The whole thing made no sense, and the atmosphere in the school was such that after 2 weeks of begging, out father transferred me and my sister to the local Catholic school.
It took me till the 4th grade next year to learn what "Spic" meant when the Italian kids (nearly the whole class) called me that. Took a few years till that cooled out and I was accepted, but Spics weren't exactly popular in this neighborhood. Hell, if it wasn't for what father did for a living they would have literally run us out of there.
Now previous to moving, we lived in mixed neighborhoods, and I never heard or seen such vitriol and hatred from anyone. All I knew is some kids had parents that spoke Spanish like my ma, otherwise we were all the same.
Now if you want to build a time machine and tell me what I went thorough them 1st 2 weeks wasn't racism, go ahead. Or was it not racism the rest of those years, because Italians got much flack from 'real' whites when they landed upon these shores before so therefore that wasn't racism I got from them either coming from them being an oppressed minority?
Skip off with your racist bullshit justifications. Racism is racism.